{Chapter 22}

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"Ethan we-we need to get out of here now!" I whisper yelled and tried to pull him out but he stood still "Why? I like this place-" He saw how scared I was and grabbed my shoulder so I looked at him "Whats wrong, are you ok?" He touched my cheek and I leaned into his hand to calm myself then I explained "Those 4 people at that table in the back corner those are my old friends from Florida, I have no idea what they are doing here. Gage is there he's my ex and my friends Harper, Mike, and Caroline." His eyebrows furrowed at the mention of Gage and he led me out of the pizza place until we reached the car.

"Ethan I'm so sorry I just couldn't face them again-" He pulled me into a hug and shushed me, I felt like I was having a panic attack, what the hell were they doing here and how did they know I would be there? "Don't be sorry, I'm just glad you told me." I pulled away and looked him in the eyes, he smiled weakly but then his head shot up and he stood tall. His smile was gone and replaced with an angry intimidating look. "Ethan whats-" A loud obnoxious voice from behind me answered my question.

"Audrey? Is that really you?" Gage, I knew his voice like the back of my hand and I hated it with a deep passion. It was very loud and annoying also high pitched for a guy but not weird just a bit feminine.

"Gage," I said annoyed as I turned around slowly, he looked awful even worse than before. The dark circles under his eyes were terrifying and he had uneven stubble growing on his chin and along his jaw. He got a little taller but lost muscle, a lot of muscle.

"Hey baby girl I missed you, haven't gotten good head in a while. Wanna help me out with that?" He let his voice trail off on that last part as a smirk formed on his face but I still heard it and I knew Ethan did too because he took a step forward so his chest was to my back and I felt his chest rise and fall harshly.

"What the fuck are you doing here Gage?" I spat but he just laughed and started walking closer to me but before he got even 5 steps closer Ethan stood in front of me completely blocking my view of Gage with his broad shoulders and towering hight.

"Listen, buddy, I think you should get going," I almost gasped when I heard Ethan's voice, it was so full of venom and his tone was stern and deep. Even I was intimidated by it, "And who are you her bodyguard or something?" I stood next to Ethan and Gage was teasing I could tell he was trying to get to Ethan "He's my boyfriend." I said out of nowhere, Gage looked at me with hurt and anger but Ethan didn't look down at me, god I could already tell he would never let that go.

"Are you kidding me, Audrey? Him, you're dating him?" Gage pointed at Ethan with disgust and I saw his fists clench as he tried to let that comment slide.

"Watch it, Gage, go back inside that fucking parlor and stay there." I started walking closer as I continued "And if I ever hear you say anything about him ever again you won't have to worry about him putting you in a hospital because I will do my worst and you knew how crazy I was before." I was in his face but I wasn't finished so I added my finishing touch.

"You know I never go back on my word." I whispered and he shuddered "Damn Audrey, LA really changed you. I never thought you'd switch up on your friends like that." He spat but that only made my ego grow knowing I hurt him "I didn't switch up Gage I just moved on, I'm not your little fucking puppet anymore. Plus I still love Harper, Caroline, and Mike they were always my favorites anyway." I shrugged and slowly stepped back.

"Have fun Gage, bye." I twiddled my fingers and spoke cheerfully then I walked back to Ethan, held his hand and gave him the keys I whispered 'You drive' and he nodded.

We pulled into the main street when I finally said something "Holy fuck that got me so mad! Like how dare he talk about you like that right in your face, no in MY face who does he think he is?" I rambled on but Ethan didn't say anything he just sat there with a smug look on his face.

"What, why are you making that face you creep." I slap his shoulder and he chuckles "He's my boyfriend" He mocks me in a high pitched girl voice and flipped his hair "Oh my god I knew you'd never let that go, I should have said you're my gay best friend or something" I started laughing but Ethan didn't he pouted his lip and tilted his head down slightly so he could still see the road.

"Oh my god you're such a baby I was kidding geez." I leaned over and pecked his cheek a couple times then sat back in my seat and he was smiling. "I have fueled your ego so much today and we aren't even done, first I told you that you were my favorite Dolan then I held your hand, called you my boyfriend and now showered you with kisses, like what else could you honestly ask for?" I asked sarcastically and Ethan smiled "Not much I mean other than sex my life would be complete." I gasped and slapped his arm "Are you serious so all you need is attention kisses and sex then you're good for the rest of your life?" I couldn't help but laugh and Ethan did too, but when we calmed down he held my hand and made circles on the back of my hand with his thumb.

"No I mean all jokes aside I want to find a nice girl, like not a basic Instagram bitch who spends half her day doing her makeup and posting pictures but a girl who's down to Earth and just relaxed. I want to travel when we get engaged like you know how people get engaged like a month before they get married well I want to take a couple years to travel and live together. And then get married, one day have either 2 girls or an older boy and a girl, so he would beat up her boyfriends when I'm not around. Then grow old with my wife." He sighed at the end of his sentence and I wanted to join him, that sounded amazing and also nothing like Ethan.

"Wow that sounds amazing, I just figured you'd become a pimp and die from crashing your limo or something." Ethan started laughing and I couldn't help but join him, I was so surprised how different Ethan was being. I don't know if it's just because I haven't seen him in a while or what it was but I'm glad he is like this, so happy and childish.

At moments like this, he made my heart melt.


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This chapter was gay I'm sorry... 

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