{Chapter 29}

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As I made my way to Ethan he turned and smiled at me, then Cameron looked over at me. "Hope this isn't too much, you did say there was no limit." He chuckled and shook his head "No darling this is perfect! You had everyone's attention, and I mean everyone's." He whispered that last part probably talking about Grayson.

"Alright well we should get inside, I have some people I'd like to talk to." Cameron led us inside and the building was amazing, high ceilings, chandeliers, and there was a huge bottom level with tables and different sections "We are that one in the far left, so if you ever get lost just head back there." Ethan said and grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers. I smiled at his gesture and walked closer to him.

When we made it to our section everyone was staring at me, probably because of my dress or because no one knew who I was and I was standing between 2 of the most important people in that gang. Ethan explained how gangs from all over California came here for 1 night of peace and they all just socialized and made deals.

We walked past a table of girls and they all started whispering so I stood a little straighter and made myself look serious and unbothered. "Oh my god look, who's she? Why is she with Ethan, he's supposed to be giving me his attention not that whore." I heard one say so I stopped and turned around "Excuse me? Would whoever said that like to repeat it to my face? I'd gladly talk to you outside if so." I looked down at all the girls and clenched my jaw, I might be in a big princess dress but that won't stop me from breaking someone's jaw.

No one said anything so I turned back to Ethan and Cameron "Waw Dolan, you got yourself a feisty one." I looked at Cameron smugly "well I didn't raise myself to be a bitch and I wasn't gonna let them talk about me like that." Cameron looked at me impressed, Ethan held my hand again and we went into one of the booths. After a couple minutes of small talk with Cameron I kinda spaced out and put my head on Ethan's shoulder. They were talking and I was getting bored, I didn't want to take out my phone because i wanted the battery to last so I held Ethan's hand and just started playing with his fingers. They were kinda rough but his nails were clean and trimmed, I was kinda impressed.

"You ok?" He whispered to me as he rested his head on mine "yeah I'm perfect, don't worry about me." I squeezed his hand and he kissed the top of my head. I like this Ethan, he was shy and sweet. A lot better then the Ethan I first met, I wonder if we would be different as a couple. If he would change completely and be  like this all the time, maybe we would be a perfect cliché couple who fell in love too quickly. "Hello brother." A teasing voice said from in front of the booth, Grayson.

Why is he over here? This isn't his section and he knows it, I look up at him and he's smirking at me. Cameron is already standing and Ethan was about to get out of the booth but I held his arm "Ethan don't, be calm please." I whispered and he sat back down taking a deep breath and put his hand on my thigh.

"Grayson. Why are you here you know damn well you aren't welcome." He spat but Grayson just smiled and put his hands on the table leaning over it "Gosh Ethan no need to act up in front of your girl over here. Who looks amazing by the way." Ethan's jaw clenched and he squeezed my thigh but it didn't hurt "Tell me something I didn't already know." I rolled my eyes and Cameron smiled at me "So brother how's your relationship with Audrey going? I'd love to hear more about it." He teased "My relationship is non of your business- wait how'd you know her name? I never told you her name." My eyes widened and I felt the color leave my face, Grayson on the other hand was doing just fine.

"Oh she didn't tell you? Gosh how could she forget-" I knew what he was doing and I wasn't gonna let it happen "Grayson don't, can I talk to you privately." He just looked at me unamused "Please." He sighed and started walking to the door, I was getting out of the booth when Ethan said "Audrey what was he talking about? What was he going to say?" He seemed worried and angry, I didn't want anything to go wrong at least not tonight "Nothing I promise I will tell you later." He looked down at his lap so I grabbed his chin and kissed his cheek. "Ethan I promise." I stood up and quickly made my way to the front.

I slammed the door open and looked around for Grayson, he was leaning against a wall so I made my way over to him. "Grayson what were you thinking? Were you seriously going to ruin everything right now" I punched his chest and he only moved slightly "Wow back to first names? Peaches I don't even know why your mad at me!" He tried to hold my hand but I snatched it away "I'm serious! We were having a great night until you came over, why can't you just let him be happy! You've taken his love away before is that your plan now?" I screamed back at him. He just stood there for a second shocked and hurt but that was replaced with anger and hate.

"You were mine first remember! We were happy until he fucked everything up and told you that story! He took you away from me." He took a step closer so we were almost touching "I'm only taking back what's mine, and guess what I know I will cause you can't resist me. The way I touch you, the way I talk to you and how I make you feel." He grabs my chin and turns us around so I was against the wall. Still holding my chin he brings his face to mine "I know you still have feelings for me and he's only a distraction Peaches." He whispered and our lips grazed, my breathing hitched and I tried to push him away.

"God damnit Grayson! Just leave us alone, I was having a great night with Ethan and I'd like to keep it that way." I spat and started for the door but he grabbed my arm "Don't lie, I saw you sitting there bored out of your mind. You don't even want to be here I know you Audrey!" He yelled "How would you know? Do I even have an option if I wanna be with Ethan or will you kill me too." I screamed and he let go of me, his eyes full of shock and pain. I looked at him with hate and disgust then made my way to the door. He didn't follow, I looked back and he was just standing there looking at me completely numb.

Not my problem.


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