{Chapter 34}

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"Audrey? Audrey oh my god are you ok?" I heard Jess talking but I couldn't open my eyes, my head kinda hurt, all I remember is Ethan sneaking in on me then everyone was in my room. I open my eyes slightly and look around. First I see Jess and that calmed me down, then I saw Harvey standing next to Daniel with a water bottle, next I see Ethan and Grayson. They are both looking at each other standing in each other's faces, both of their jaws were clenched and it looked like Grayson was about to swing.

"Guys," both of their head turn to me and Grayson kneels next to me "Audrey what happened? Did he hurt you I swear to god Ethan if you-" I shook my head and sat up "No, no he didn't hurt me he just scared me that's why I screamed, but seeing you all up here and having you, Jess, and E in one room kinda pushed me over the edge." He nodded and stood back up to face Ethan "I think it's time we leave brother, looks like we've done enough damage." He hissed and Jess stood up "Gray no, don't leave yet. This wasn't your fault you don't need to-" Gray just hugged Jess than grabbed Ethan dragging him out, but he shook hands with everyone else. "Goodbye guys, sorry I couldn't hang out longer, sorry Audrey." He looked down an smiled shyly then Ethan came back but stood at the door "Yeah I'm sorry too I swear I didn't mean any harm I just wanted to have some fun you know." I smiled and nodded my head then Grayson pushed him out leaving as well.

Jess followed them out leaving me and the others alone "Harv can you help me up please?" I asked weakly and he came to my side helping me up slowly. Daniel gave me the water bottle and I took a sip, "I wasn't out for too long was I?" I stuttered and they shook their heads "No maybe a minute or two, by the time I got the water bottle you started waking up." Daniel explained and I nodded "Oh shit!" Jess yelled from downstairs and I looked at the boys "Go you idiots run!" I yelled and they both rushed out an went downstairs I took a deep breath and took another sip then made my way downstairs. I heard the guys yelling and the sound of shoes squeaking then a thud. I hurried a little then opened the front door and saw Grayson on top of Ethan punching the shit out of him. Jess and Daniel were trying to pull him off and Harvey was trying to grab his arms to stop him from hitting Ethan. I looked down at Ethan in horror and his face was covered in blood with his hands laying flat at his sides, I ran towards Grayson and bodied him causing him to tumble off Ethan and us to crash to the ground, I was on to of him and he just looked at me.

His face was bloody too, he had a cut on both cheeks, a bloody nose and it looked like his chin was cut. I quickly got off him and crawled towards Ethan "Guys go into my bathroom there is a first aid kit, grab 2 towels and soak one in warm water." Harvey ran inside and Jess went to Grayson "Ethan oh my god I'm so sorry." I whispered as I put his head on my legs like a pillow "It's fine, nothing I haven't experienced before." He chuckled and I gave him a weak smile, Harvey came back an gave me what I asked for, "Ethan this might hurt but I need to see the cuts and disinfect it." He just closed his eye and I started on his forehead cause the only thing there was sweat and a little bit of blood, when I made it to his cheek he winced a little bit so I put my hand on his chest and rubbed circles with my thumb "I'm almost done Ethan, just a little more." He opened his eyes and smiled, "Thank you." he said weakly and I kissed his forehead.

After I wiped his face and dried it I got a little cotton ball and disinfectant and dabbed it on the cuts, surprisingly he didn't move at all. I still whine and scream every time. I put a little cream on each cut then mini band-aids. He looked brand new other than the darkening eye and forming bruises. He sat up and looked at me, I pulled him into a hug and held him tight "God Ethan you're so much trouble." I laughed and he chuckled "Well I should get going before another fight breaks out." He pulled away and held my hands "Yeah I don't think that pretty face can handle another fight right now." I frowned and he laughed "Bye Audrey," He kissed my cheek gently and made his way to his car. I kinda just stood there holding my cheek, why was today so crazy? Is this what my life gonna be like forever?

An amazing nightmare//Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now