{Chapter 16}

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"Oh fuck, I honestly think I'm gonna be sick this time." Sophia says, holding her stomach "Oh god, do you want me to help you?" I asked laughing. She rolled her eyes at me and slowly got up and made her way to the bathroom.

We just finished watching '50 Shades Darker' and I'm not gonna lie I was a little heated, I got up and took off my sweat and revealed my shorts. I took out my phone and started filming myself in my booty shorts, I turned around to show my bottom and I slowly started rotating my hips to make it look like I was dancing on someone I stopped the video and sent it to Grayson.

Teddy Bear- Holy shit!! What did I do to deserve that blessing?!

Me- Nothing, I just watched 50 shades darker so I'm a little spicy ;)

Teddy Bear- Well do you need some help with that? I could always come over and give you a hand.... if you know what I mean ;)

Me- very tempting but your sister is here ;\

Teddy Bear- Wait you watched 50 shades darker with my sister?! Are you kidding me

Me- I know right, even I was a little surprised, but she's just as horny as you and Ethan. haha it must run in the family

Teddy Bear- Ok can we not have my sister and horny in the same sentence please, That's fucking gross

Me- but you didn't mind me being horny earlier?

Teddy Bear- Yeah but you aren't my sister. Plus I liked that video anyway

'Teddy Bear' saved a video to camera roll

Me- Teddy bear what do you think you are doing?!?! I don't want my video to be used as a way to pleasure yourself

Teddy Bear- Yeah I probably shouldn't use it anyway, I don't want to cum all over my phone.

Me- I-


Me- well that sucks,

Teddy Bear- oh fuck, I mean if you would rather be here to help I'll send you my address and we can get down to it

Me- tempting, again but your sister is here SoRrY

"Sorry false alarm, but we should seriously stop eating all this." Sophia pulls me out of my heated text session with Grayson and plops down next to me. "Yeah you're probably right, I'm already fat as it is." After I finish she slaps me in the back of the head, an 'ouch' escapes my lips and i look back at her confused

"Sophia! What the hell was that for?" I asked rubbing the back of my head "You are not fat! I have no clue on how you got that idea!" She replied

"Yeah well I'm not as skinny as you are, you never have to be self-conscious about what people have to say cause your perfect. Like if I wear skinny jeans people call me a try hard or a slut because of my ass, but you look great in jeans. I can't wear skirts at all, and I have a fucking belly. Do you see that! I'm disgusting." I turn to her and she's already starring at me

"Audrey, you are not fat, do you know how many girls would love to have thighs or ass like that? Plus you're "belly" is completely normal, it doesn't make you fat Audrey." She makes air quotes around 'belly' and she holds my hands, I don't think I've ever opened up about my insecurities. I've always put up this wall around them, I never felt comfortable talking about them.

She smiles at me and pulls me into a hug, wrapping both of her arms around my waist. "Thank you, Soph, I love you." I hug her a little tighter and she laughs

An amazing nightmare//Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now