{Chapter 7}

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The drive home was quiet but unlike my ride with Oliver, this silence was awkward. Ethan kept sneaking looks at me and it made me angry for some reason.

"Do you like Oliver?" I looked over at Ethan and his eye's were on the road.

"Well, he's an amazing guy with a good heart. Plus we have a lot in common" Ethan's jaw clenched and he gripped the steering wheel

"But to answer your question, no I don't like him" I smirk and Ethan looks at me, I turn my head slowly to look back at the road.

"Why do you ask darling Dolan?" I start playing with his hair, making little curls with my fingers.

"No reason, I just thought you two were dating." He smirks and makes circles around the hickey I gave him, too bad the heated moment was ruined by me digging my teeth into his neck.


When we make it to my house my car was already there and so were 2 other cars.

"Who's cars are those, I thought you only had 1 sibling?" Ethan pulls up and I get out of the car. "Thanks for the ride Dolan, I had a lot of fun hanging out with you." I was about to leave when Ethan gets out too. "What the fuck are you doing-" Ethan pins me against the wall and starts kissing my jaw and slowly moves to my neck.

"Ethan... what are you doing?" I'm biting my lip so hard, I don't want him to know how much I'm enjoying this. "I'm marking whats mine." Ethan's voice was deep and muffled but I still heard him. He lets go of my hands and puts his arms around me, pulling me into him even more. I tangle my fingers through his soft hair and he starts biting my skin.

The front door open and I pull Ethan off me and shush him, I didn't want my brother to know I was with Ethan. Some guy came out and went into his car, I pull Ethan to me and we hid in the crevices on the outside of the garage.

"Hey, Jess when's your little sister gonna get here? I wanna meet her." One of the boys with black hair says and he lifts a box of condoms.

"You better not be like that when she gets here or ill have her beat the shit out of you." Jess pins the boy against his car and he puts his hands up in surrender.

"Ok Josh I think that's enough, that was wrong to talk about her like that." Another boy pulls Jess off of who I'm guessing is Josh.

Ethan wraps his hands around my waist tightly and puts his lips right next to my ear and whispers, "You should be careful around him princess, if he tries anything with you I swear I'll kill him."

When Ethan pulls away I look up at him and smile, he smiles back and puts my head on his chest and I play with the soft fabric on the back of his shirt.

The boys start walking in when Jess stops and looks over at Ethan's car. "Hey, guys whos car is that?"

"I don't know it's not any of ours though, you brought Josh and Micheal, and Harvey brought the other two dumb asses." My heart stops and I close my eyes

"Oh it might just be the neighbors then, let's go inside I want to get pizza." Jess taps one of them and they all go inside.

"Holy fuck that was a close one, how did they not see us!" I laugh and shrug my shoulders, Ethan chuckles a little but he doesn't let go and neither do I.

"Hey uh, I should get going. I don't want Sophia knowing I stole you." I smile at Ethan and let go.

I walk to the door and take a deep breath, I didn't want to go inside. All I wanted was to be with Ethan, I don't know why or how but I feel free when I'm with him. He gives my life excitement and I love that. I open the door and I hear shouting and chanting, I walk into the living room and see 2 boys wrestling on the floor with the others around them screaming their names.

I look at Jess and walks over to me to give me a hug.

"Jess, what the fuck is this?" I motion to the apes fighting on my living room floor.

"Oh come on Audrey we were just having some fun! It's not like we were hurting anyone!" Jess holds me tighter and I pull away from him and go into the kitchen to grab a water bottle. I turn around and all the boys are waiting on the other side of the counter. They looked like little boys, lined up with huge smiles on their faces.

They didn't say or do anything, they just stared at me "Boo! Can I help you?" I shove past them and go sit on the couch.

"Why is she such a bitch? I mean she doesn't even know us." Josh crosses his arms over his chest and his muscles bulge out of his shirt. I just now realized how big these guys are, most of them are the size of my brother or bigger. They are all tall and well built, also very attractive.

"Sorry handsome, you just caught me on an off day." I look up from my phone and wink at him

"Wow Jessy boy, you didn't tell us your baby sis was a flirt!" Josh sits next to me and puts his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into him.

"Alright Josh chill out shes still is my sister." Jess flailed his arms to scoot Josh over and he plops down between us.

"So are you going to introduce yourselves or do you need my brother aka your daddy to do it for you?" I arched my brow and cross my arms "Also add a little description to yourselves"

"Well, I'm Josh as you already know. And I'm a bit of a fuckboy not gonna lie but I'm a great guy to have around" He reached around my brother and squeezed my shoulder slightly 

"I'm Harvey, I'm the Nobel one of the group and pretty much everyone's big brother." I notice that Harvey was the biggest one in the group, height, and muscularity wise.

"I'm Micheal, and I like weed. That's pretty much it" I smile at Micheal and give him the thumbs up.

"I'm Daniel, I uh... like parties and am a great fuck buddy." Daniel winks at me and rubs his hands together, Jess slaps his chest and I put my phone to my ear and mouth "Call me" the others laugh but I remember Daniel saying something about Harvey bringing 2 boys. They must have left before Ethan and I got there.

"Alright, guys I'm super bored so I'm going upstairs, goodbye and good luck." I get up from the couch and make my way to the stairs.

"Why say good luck?" Harvey asks

"No honey not you I'm talking about the other boys, they need the luck. After the flirty words my brothers going to have his way with them" I smile at Harvey and walk up to my room

Hey lovelies! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

More to be posted soon!

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