{Chapter 12}

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{ I normally don't use pictures to show you what outfit the character is wearing cause I want you to use your imagination but I thought this was super cute} 

I saw Gray's car pull up and I run outside slamming the door behind me, I skip to the car and twirl around until I got to his car then I jumped in through the window of the car. "Peaches what the fuck is wrong with you?" He's laughing with his whole heart while I try and adjust myself to sit correctly when I look up at him a smirk is plastered on his perfect face.

"Yes? Can I help you, Teddy, bear?" I put my seatbelt on and he puts his hand on my thigh, I slowly look at his hand then at him. "I know what you were doing while you were showering Peaches." He starts the car and drives off; returning his hand to my thigh 

"Yeah I did too, I was cleaning myself. But you, on the other hand, you were dirtying your soul." I make the 'jacking off' movement and smirk at him. "Well don't act like you're all innocent, you were the one moaning." He squeezes my thigh and moves his hand down a little more "It would have been so much more enjoyable if you were moaning my name though." My eyes widen and I lay back in my chair, making a weird and creepy laugh 


We pull up to this beach boardwalk and Grayson pulls out a swimsuit from behind my seat. "Grayson hell no!" I cross my arms "Come on please, this place is amazing plus it's a one piece so how revealing can it be?" He smirks at me knowing that it's going to reveal just as much as a two piece would. "Grayson I hate you." I take the swimsuit from his hands and go to find a restroom or changing room.

"Oh my god, there's no way I'm going out in this." My bottom looks amazing and it's very slimming but I don't want to go out this exposed, another girl comes into the changing room and looks at me amazed.

"Damn girl, if I had an ass like that I wouldn't spend another second in this nasty changing room." She places one of her hands on her hips and I turn around to her "This swimsuit is way too revealing I can't go out in this!" She walks up to me and holds my hand 

"You look amazing and that's all that matters, plus it isn't that bad I mean your ass is on display but other than that everything is fine." I look up at her and she smiles "Thanks... um, whats your name?" "I'm Jamie" I smile back and she lets go of my hands "Well my name is Audrey, it was nice meeting you stranger, I hope I run into you again someday."

I walk out and see Grayson waiting patiently by the railing to go down to the beach, slowly I make my way over to him and hug him from behind "Peaches?" I let go of him and he looks down at me in awe.

My eyes land on his abs and I look down at his swimsuit that hang dangerously low, showing off his abs and V line "Yeah you might want me walking around in this but you aren't walking around like that," I pull up his swim shorts and he laughs "Here you go put my stuff in the car, I'll meet you down by the beach." I give him my clothes and I walk past him but before he leaves he slaps my bottom hard. "Ouch Grayson!" I put my hand over my bottom and he just laughs.


I stand in the sand by the water, letting the waves hit my feet, then two muscular arms wrap around me. "Hey, baby girl." I turn around quickly and see Ethan staring at me with his eyes focused on my hips "Ethan hey, what-what are you doing here?" I laugh nervously and see Grayson at the steps "Well I was here with Sophia but her weird friend was here so I left." I smile and give him a hug so I can signal Grayson to hide.

Grayson looks at me angrily and mouths 'Who the fuck is that' pointing to the guy I'm hugging 'Ethan! It's Ethan go away now!' I frantically say and Grayson runs to a group of people he camouflages in. 

Ethan's hands were already on my ass and he starts kissing my neck "I missed you" He whispers against my skin and I grip his shoulders, it felt good of course but now wasn't the time. He moves down to my collarbone but I stop him; remembering Grayson is here.

"Oh god, Ethan I'm here with my family you should go." I push him off me and he looks back into my eyes frustrated. "Oh come on, I bet your parents wouldn't mind if I took you away for a while." He starts kissing me but I push away from him again. "Ethan you should go." I look down at my feet and he scoffs "What's up with you? I thought you were all badass and care free now you're scared of a little kiss-" He stops suddenly and looks at me angrily. 

"You're not here with your family, you're here with some guy." I look up at Ethan and he glares at me with such hate in his eyes. "Ethan please just let me explain!" I reach for his hand but he pulls away and takes a step back. "You don't have to explain anything to me, it's not like I'm yours anyway." I tried calling after him but he kept walking and to be honest I didn't have time fro his temper tantrum. 

Graysons POV:

I wanted to help her so badly, all I wanted to do was beat the shit out of Ethan. The way she looked at him with hurt in her eyes and the way he just walked away from her unbelievable. When Ethan finally left I ran to her and scooped her up into my arms, and I knew she was ok. I knew she was ok because I heard her beautiful laugh.

Normal POV:

"God Audrey he's so clingy, I thought he'd never leave." He puts me down and I take his hand as we go deeper into the water.  The water is up my stomach so it's hard for me to walk now.

"Hey, do you need some help there?" I was panting from using my arms to help me walk. "If I'm being completely honest yeah, I kinda do." I laugh a little and Grayson wraps his hands around my back and I jump to wrap my legs around his torso. "Thanks" My hands are behind his head so I play with the hair on the back of his head 

"I'm sorry about today, it was supposed to be a 'you and me' day with no Ethan or any other problems but-" "Hey it's fine, the day is far from over so it's not like we can't do anything else after this." I flash him a smile and he holds me tighter 

"Plus you're getting me ice cream after this." he smiles and I laugh


Hey lovelies! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

More to be posted soon!

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