{Chapter 38}

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It's my last day in New York and I was spending it with Jack since I guess he grew up here {I have no idea where Jack actually grew up so don't kill me} We were sitting in a cafè and I'd had this idea for a while but I didn't say anything about it because it was a bad idea but it was the only one I could honestly see myself choosing, Ethan already had his love choose Grayson over him once and he became a mess. Ethan's life went downhill after that happened, imagine it happening twice? And Grayson already has problems with his family and he's alone, he doesn't have contact with anyone really, other than his friends but they can never fully replace family. "Hello? Earth to Audrey are you having a stroke?" He flicked my hand and I snapped out of it

"Jj what if I just don't choose?" I looked up from my coffee and he was looking at me "What does that mean? I can't read your-" He stopped and rubbed his jaw "Oh my god you don't want to choose one of the Dolans?" He leaned in and sipped his coffee "I don't know it's just, if I choose Grayson then I hurt Ethan, and if I choose Ethan then I hurt Grayson. And then they will have more problems and I can tell this will hit them harder since it had already happened once, I can't even imagine how depressed Ethan would be. He went to drugs and alcohol last time and barely pulled himself out of it so imagine it now?" He nodded and scratched the back of his head "And just imagine Grayson... he would be so angry and vengeful he'd probably go on a rampage. I've seen him when he was mad but just imagine this, he would literally go insane." Jack knew I was right and he lowered his head "So how would choosing neither help?" I knew that option was better for all of us but it would probably hurt us the most "Well for one I feel like it would bring them closer, plus I feel like it'd be best for us all like mentally. I won't be able to look at one without being reminded I hurt the other." I sighed and he held my hand "Ew don't be sad or at least don't cry I'm not good with feelings." I laughed and looked at him "Plus if I choose then I lose you, as much as I hate to admit it you've been a great friend this past week. And Grayson would get-" He squeezed my hand and started talking "I don't give a fuck about what Grayson says or about who you choose, neither of them gets to decide who I can and can't be friends with." I smiled weakly then looked up at him

"Friends? Oh, my god, this is literally the first time you've ever called me your friend!" I exclaimed and he pulled his hand away "God you're annoying, don't make it a big deal or I'll take the title away." He warned and I laughed "Awe I can't believe you like me! Does Jack enjoy having me around? I'm honored." I bowed my head and he chuckled "I never said I like you, I still don't like you, just now I dislike you a little less." He shrugged and I rolled my eyes, the alarm I had set on my phone went off which meant I had to go back to the apartment so I could get my dad and go to the airport. I stood up and threw away my cup then went back to Jack who was now standing "Well I guess this is goodbye for now." I smiled and he yawned "Yeah thank god." I gasped and slapped his chest "You're very rude Jj, this is the last time you're seeing me for who knows how long and you still can't deflate your ego?" He rubbed his chin then shook his head no. I sighed and walked past him but he grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug. "Your such a child." He huffed and I hugged him back "Thank you Jj, I'll be sure to text you when I land." He sighed and lifted me while we hugged so he could stand straight and my legs were off the ground "Bye Audrey." He whispered and put me down "Bye Jj," I smiled and walked out of the cafè.


"Ugh, dad can't we just get a hotel? I'm so tired." I whined as the uber was driving us home "No Audrey, I told you that you can sleep in the car, plus we are almost home no more than 5 minutes." I sighed and decided to text Jack

Me- Hey friend

Jack- Blocked

Me- JACK!! That's very rude

Jack- oops?

Me- Well I'm almost home and I'm super tired

Jack- And you thought I'd care because....??

An amazing nightmare//Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now