{Chapter 6}

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The drive to Luke's house was quiet but not awkward, it was peaceful. Oliver played a song by "The Neighbourhood" and I thought about each line and thought about each word. I loved songs that made you think and get trapped in memories, as terrifying as it sounds it soothes me.

"Hey, you ok there new girl?" Oliver puts his hand on my knee and gives it a light squeeze to get me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, im fine I was just thinking about the song, like the meanings of the lyrics." I keep my eyes on Oliver's hand and to my surprise, it doesn't move down and he doesn't seem to be making a move on me or trying to get in my pants. It was nice to know Oliver actually cared and wasn't just being a douche.

When we came to the stop light Oliver looked at me and smiled, letting go of my knee and making a hard turn we pull up to the house and make our way to the back gate.

"Hey um, why don't we just take the front door, like normal people." I point to the front door as Oliver opens the back gate

"Because we normally smoke in the garage, cause its cooler in there and it's bigger." Oliver leads me in and I can already smell weed, the intoxicating smell filled my lungs and gave me pleasure.

I open the door to the garage and I see 4 people sitting on the couch, I saw Leah, Ava, and Luke but I couldn't tell who the kid sitting at the end of the couch was. That was until he laughed, I knew that intimidating laugh anywhere, Ethan.

"Dolan, what are you doing here?" I walk over to him and sit right next to him, practically on him to make it seem as if I was glad to be in his presence.

"Well, princess if you must know I came here to get stoned. But I should be asking you the same thing, I mean you are friends with my baby sister." Ethan puts his arm that was squished between us around me and I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Well, Dolan if you must know your sister made it very clear the first time we met that she didn't want to smoke and I couldn't influence her even if I wanted to." I look up at him and he puts the blunt between his lips and takes in a breath, he looks down at me and exhales.

Motioning for me to take the blunt from his hand, we share and talk quietly to ourselves. I don't think I was that high, I don't feel that messed up. Maybe just a little giggly that's all, I could tell Ethan wasn't that bad either.

"Guys this is our best smoke meet up friken ever! We should post this on Instagram." Luke pulls out his phone and slowly unlocks it, giggling and pressing the wrongs numbers every time.

Luke lifts the phone up to get all of us in but I cover my mouth with one hand and put up the peace sign with the other. Ethan looks at me and puts his head back so his jawline is prominent. He had a very strong jawline, it was sharp and sexy.

"Yo, guys look at those love worms over there haha!" I look back at the others and they are all staring at me.

"No you idiot, it's lovebirds!" Ava slaps the back of Luke's head and they all giggle, leaning on one another.


It's been over 2 hours and I was getting bored, Ethan and I kept talking a little while going through each other's snap memories. Most of Ethan's were shirtless pics but I wasn't complaining, and he wasn't either. It always warm in Florida so my friends and I would normally go smoke and swim, so most of the pics I had been in bikinis and booty shorts.

"You have a really nice smile." I move my head off Ethan's chest and look up at him, I never really liked taking pictures I would just stand there waiting for them to be over. But this photo was different, this was my favorite photo of my friend Harper and I.

"You're cheesy and gross." I laughed a little then put my head back down onto his warm chest

Ethan's hand draws small circles on my back and he turns off my phone. I wish Ethan was the loyal type of guy, he'd be a great boyfriend. Not only that he'd be my plug which would be great, he could probably come with me to take pictures or do some graffiti.

"I think we should go, it's getting kinda late for you plus it doesn't look like these losers are gonna do anything stupid so I don't have to babysit." He tries to stand up but I hold onto him tighter, not wanting to get up from this warm comfy couch. I groan and change positions so i'm straddling him and I have my face in the crook of his neck.

"Ew, your breathing on my neck creep." He puts his hands on my thighs and I start slowly kissing his neck, sucking on his skin with my delicate touch. He tilts his head to the side and mumbles something sending vibrations to my lips.

I like to try and make my marks clean so they don't look like rashes and so they don't go away as easily. Ethan kept squeezing my thighs and moving under me, like he was holding onto something that didn't exist or as if I were going to slip away.

After I finish I give it one last kiss and push off, I look at what I created and it was amazing. He looked back t me with tired eyes so I went back down and gave the area a few more slow kisses then I bit down onto his neck. "Ouch what the fuck!" He quite literally threw me off of him and onto the ground. I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Ok, we're leaving now." Ethan lifted me up and walked out with me holding onto him. I couldn't tell if he was mad or if he just wanted to get out of there.

He puts me down in the passenger seat and makes his way to the drivers when he sits down I put my hand on the hickey and he looked at me.

I just laughed.


Hey lovelies! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

More to be posted soon!

Oh my god I'm the worst I havent updated in forever!!

Im so sorryyyy

An amazing nightmare//Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now