{Chapter 25}

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After an hour of just cuddling and joking around with Ethan I texted Grayson and told him I'd be at his house right away, even though  Ethan didn't say it was him I knew it was him. By the hurt in his voice I knew only a brother could do that type of damage.

I pulled into his long driveway and ran to the front door, I was beyond angry at him. His own brother betrayed him on his birthday, their birthday. He opened the door and tried to hug me but I slapped his hands away and walk past him into the house. "Audrey come on! Don't be this way I didn't send Jack to look after you I swear, he was with me all day." He whined but if Jack was with him who was watching me? Never mind that's not why I'm here, I'm here for Ethan

"Ethan told me everything, I can't believe you Grayson!" I slapped his chest but he just stood there confused but his face hardened and he furrowed his brows "You ignored all my calls and texts  because you were with Ethan? And what did he tell you exactly?" He walked past me over to the couch and I followed "He told me that you were his best friend and when he got into a serious relationship you slept with his girlfriend and disappeared." I didn't even look at him, I couldn't, I knew the situation I was in with Ethan and Grayson was just like that. I met Ethan first and Grayson some how managed to pull me away from him and win my heart.

"So he didn't tell you everything huh." He teased and I looked at him but he was already smiling at me "What did he leave out? He told me everything, why would he leave anything out?" I questioned but he just laughed "that girl was supposed to be his fiancé, he talked to me about her all the time about how he loves her with everything he had and how he would marry her after high school, so one day I decided to see what was so special about her and damn he was right. She had a contagious laugh and a bright smile, she was just like you." He poked my nose once and smile at me, I knew why Ethan didn't tell me this part it was because it's Grayson's point of the story.

"We would hang out every night after Ethan left, we would talk, laugh, fuck, and then I'd leave and do it again the next night." He bit his lip and moved his hips in a circular motion, that made me sick. How could he say that, he knew how much Ethan loved her but that didn't stop him.

"So my birthday comes around which of course was Ethan's too, I was kinda drunk and so was she so things happened and we ended up in Ethan's room. I didn't think he'd care cause he had sex with her in this bed too so it wasn't a big deal." He just shrugged it off but I looked at him with disgust, I can't believe I liked him. I can't even believe this is the man who gave me butterflies. 

"And little Ethan walks in and of course I don't stop cause I was having a good time and so was she so I continued on as if he wasn't there, if anything I went harder so he would be able to hear her scream my name-" I slapped him, I couldn't help it, the way he was talking about it, he looked happy almost proud of what he had done.

"What the hell is wrong with you! You hurt your brother and you're fucking smiling about it! Are you actually crazy or like mental unstable? What happened to you Grayson, you were so sweet and loving you- you were like my-" he finished my sentence with venom in his voice "your teddy bear" he stood up and held my neck.

"I wish you weren't so feisty, now sit down and let me finish my story." He held my neck tighter and whispered "Trust me your gonna want to hear this" He was officially a different person, he was crazy. What snapped in his brain to make him this way? Why was he so angry and heartless all of a sudden. It's like today he's a different man.

I sat down and he sat next to me. "Alrighty then, after that night I took that girl home and when I came back I saw Ethan crying in the living room and everything was flipped and destroyed, he was bleeding from the broken glass everywhere so me being the good brother I am I tried to help him but he punched me flat in the center of my face. He went upstairs and I packed my shit and left.

I stayed with a couple friends of mine but it wasn't the same, I missed my parents, my sister but I missed Ethan the most. I knew what I had done was wrong but I don't know why I didn't stop I was selfish. But then I got angry, she still cheated on him but I was getting all the blame, so I did what any other rational person would do.." he smiled and my heart dropped.

"What....what did you do?" I felt my hands shaking and he yawned and said "I killed her" My heart had officially stopped, I couldn't move or breath. He killed someone? This whole time I thought Ethan was the bad twin, Gray was so sweet and he seemed innocent. I slowly look away still not breathing and not saying anything.

"Don't worry it was quick so she didn't suffer too long." He scoffed, I really didn't know this guy. He killed her, he killed Ethan's ex and his former lover. Without saying anything I stand up and walk to the door, grabbing my keys along the way.

"I'm alone in a house with a murderer" I say quietly to myself

"Peaches where are you going!" He yelled and quickly got off the couch, making his way towards me but I don't stop.

"Peaches" he grabbed my arm and pulled me into his chest. I closed my eyes and whimpered when I hit his chest.

"Audrey you don't think I'd hurt you do you?" He sounded sad but I still couldn't move. I didn't want to look at him, i couldn't. I tried getting out of his home but he pinned me against the wall and I screamed.

"Audrey look at me." I was panicking I was breathing too fast and I felt my eyes start to water. To make this even worse I was heartbroken, he really killed her. He took a human life when he was guilty too, he punished her when if he hadn't talked to her she wouldn't have cheated. She would have been alive and with Ethan. She would have a great life with kids and a job. She would have grandkids and grow old with Ethan and they'd be happy.

But he stopped any of that from happening, what if one day he just decides to kill me too? Why wouldn't he? He killed her why wouldn't he just kill me too? Grayson put his finger under my chin and gently lifted my head but I shut my eyes as I felt tears start to sting them.

"Audrey look at me." I felt his breath fan my face lightly, I knew if I opened my eyes I would cry because when I open my eyes it will be true. I will be looking at the man who killed his brothers future fiancé. "Audrey please just open your eyes, I swear I would never hurt you." He kissed my forehead but it didn't feel the same, I hated it. "I... I can't" my voice was hushed and gurgling from trying not to cry.

"Please, please just open your eyes so I know your ok-" how could he think I was ok? How would anyone be ok after hearing this "I'm not ok Grayson, I can't be ok. Not after this, please let me leave." I put my head back down and opened my eyes so I could see my feet. He was right in front of me, closer than I thought. He didn't move and I started to panic "Gray please, I just.. I want to go home. I won't say anything about this I just- I really want to leave." I felt a tear slowly make its way down my cheek so I wiped it quickly and sniffled

He let his hand drop and he sighed, "Thank you." I didn't wait for him to say anything or react, I quickly walked to the door and after I closed the door I ran to my car sobbing.


Damn, this chapter took a dark turn.. hope you liked it tho.

More to be posted soon

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