{Chapter 23}

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"You're not gonna beat me, sweetie." I taunted as I hit the golfball "Um watch yourself, I'm pretty sure I already am." He hit his golfball and it made it into the hole, I stared wide-eyed at the hole then back at Ethan. "You fucking cheater! You're good at this game, well that's not fair!" I huff and cross my arms, he laughs and wraps his arms around me "Oh come on you let me choose so its technically your fault. You never said I couldn't be good at the game." He was kinda right but whats the point of a competition if he already knew he would win.

"Yeah well, it's not fair cause there is no chance of me winning now you fuck head! And to make it even worse I have no idea what your punishment is! For all, I know you could make me lick your fucking armpit." I scowled at him but he just chuckled and squeezed me. "I wouldn't make you do that unless you wanted to, cause that was a very odd choice. I mean who would even suggest that, do you have an armpit kink or something?" I burst out laughing and so does he, after getting Ethan's ball we go to the next station but this time I started "I'm gonna get this one on my first try just watch!" I focused on the little obstacle and how hard I should hit the ball but I just winged it and swung. I crossed my fingers and bit my bottom lip, the ball almost stopped but it made it just to the edge and into the hole.

"Ethan oh my god I did it! I knew it I fricken knew it!" I start laughing and jumped onto Ethan but he didn't laugh or do anything other than hold me up, I looked at him and he looked pissed. I got off him but stayed in his arms, "Ethan, Ethan whats wrong." I spoke softly and put my hand on his cheek but he didn't look down at me he only nudged his head forward. I looked but the only thing I saw where more golfers, children and horny couples till my eyes landed on a green-eyed boy with a jean jacket, Oliver. I didn't get it but then I saw Sophia jumping and clapping, then Oliver held her hand and they walked out of sight since they were on a higher level.

"Ethan leaves them be, I know him he's a good kid. Plus your sister isn't a baby anymore, I think she can make her own decisions." Ethan still didn't say anything so I looked back but they weren't there and I didn't recognize anyone else "There is a guy in a black dress shirt and black ripped jeans starring at you by the wall but don't look at him. I want you to drag me out of here and I'm gonna struggle but keep pulling me until we get to the car." He spoke slowly and I felt my heart stop "Are you sure he's staring at me?" I asked as I start to pull his arm to the exit "Yes Audrey and I'm pretty sure he took a couple pictures too." My stomach dropped and I got a lump in my throat as I continued to pull Ethan even while he struggled.  When we made it to the car we quickly got in and drove off, my heart was beating so fast it felt like it would come out of my chest.

"What did the guy look like?" My voice was shaky but I cleared my throat and took a deep breathe "He looked about my height with blonde hair and had blue eyes. He was kinda built with a wide jaw." That kinda reminded me of that blonde guy I saw at Grayson's house that one day. I think his name was Jack "Did he look familiar... at all" I swear if Grayson sent another one of his friends to go looking for me he would never hear the end of it "Im not really sure, in a way yeah he looked like one of my old friends from lacrosse but a lot creepier?" I didn't answer him instead I texted Grayson.


I put my phone on silence and it started vibrating because Grayson was texting me but I ignored it "Do you think he will take care of her?" I didn't really understand what he meant by that but then it hit me, he meant Oliver "I mean yeah, he was a super sweet guy and he didn't pull any moves on me. He was very respectful so yeah I do-" Then it slapped me again "Holy shit Ethan we forgot to pick up Sophia from school!" I screamed and Ethan flinched then his eyes got wide "That's why she was with him! Oh my god I was having so much fun with you that I totally forgot about your sister!" He snickered and I slapped his shoulder "Ethan that isn't funny! I feel so bad, but that's kinda cute he took her out to golf. He really is a sweetheart." I sigh and Ethan looks at me dumbfounded "Why didn't you call me a sweetheart, I took you to golf too. And I saved you from a creepy guy!" He whined but I just scoffed "Ethan I have fueled your ego way too much you didn't need me to say it, you already knew I was thinking it." Damn, I was smooth, that was a good one, he laughed a little then held my hand.

"Why can't you be like this all the time, sweet, funny, soft, caring, protective, moments like these are moments I never want to forget. And I mean don't get me wrong I like it when you're cocky sometimes cause it's funny but I like this side way better. It's like this is the real you, you with no walls up and not a care in the world." I knew I probably hit a sensitive spot for him because I became a bad kid when something happened to me so maybe it was the same with him.

"I wasn't always like this, if you would have met me a couple years ago you would have loved me. I mean more than you already do, but I was so different I was a straight A student, captain of the football and wrestling team, I didn't do drugs and I wasn't a- well you know." He chuckled at that last part but a lot of things fit that blank "A dick? A fuckboy? A pothead? A virginity stealer-" He stopped me and started laughing "Yes all those things, but my sister and I were also super close, we were practically how you and Jess are. I had her back and she had mine, we would do anything for each other and we still would but it wouldn't mean as much." His words broke my heart but before he could finish his story we pulled into his driveway.


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