{Chapter 15}

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OK haha... I know this is very soon but there's more smut...... I'm not that sorry
Also unedited cause I'm a lazy fuck

I made it to the Dolan household and knocked on the door, Lisa opened the door and pulled me into a hug. "Audrey sweetheart long time no see! I just made some fresh cookies come to try some!" I nod my head and she walks with me to the kitchen, I see 3 trays full of chocolate cookies and I feel like drooling. The cookies were still warm and soft, I truly loved this woman.

"I actually shouldn't eat too many, I bought so much junk food. Sophia and I are having a sleepover." Lisa looks up at me kind of confused "Oh honey Sophia isn't home right now, but she should be home soon, you could go wait in her room if you'd like?" She smiles at me and grabs some of the dirty spoons she used.

I grab another cookie and go upstairs, I see Ethan's room and go see if he's there so I'd at least have company. But he wasn't, I look to the room next to his but the door is closed, all the other doors were open. I look down the stairs and see Lisa washing dishes so I slowly open the door and see a boys room, it was perfect and untouched. This must be Grayson's room.

I walk in and see he still had clothes in his closet, my 'steal boy clothes' meter was going crazy. He had so many hoodies and jean jackets, I couldn't help myself so I grabbed on of his jean jackets and tried it on. It looked kind of good on me so I did a quick spin, he had a huge full body mirror. I started trying on more of his clothes and played a little music, but not loud I wouldn't want Lisa knowing that I'm snooping.

I continue looking through his drawers and I picked up a few loose photos but one slips from my hands and floats down almost under his bed. I go to pick it up and my finger hits a box so I pull it out from under the bed. It was a plain black box and it looked untouched, there was dust sitting at the top and I pull it off to look inside. There was a huge stack of money, some fake ID's, paperwork, and a photo of what looked like him and his friends. I take the photo out and see a young Grayson and Ethan. It was an old lacrosse team photo, I look at Grayson and he was standing with a serious look on his face but Ethan had a bubbly smile and he had his arms wrapped around a gorgeous girl. Ethan seemed so different in this photo. Pushing aside my curiosity I put the box back where I found it and continued rummaging through Graysons things. 

"I've got something to confess, I keep you in my pocket to use! You're my only compass, I might get lost without you." I was wearing one of his old sweatpants and singing 'Compass' by The Neighbourhood. I was looking at myself in the mirror when I notice someone staring at me. I turn around and see Grayson.

"What, what are you doing here?" I was so shocked to see him here, what if Lisa saw him, or if Ethan was home. "Well Sophia snuck me in through her window and she is distracting my mom." He closes the door and starts slowly walking to me. His eyes wander to my legs and see that I'm wearing his sweats.

"Peaches, are those my old sweats?" He asked as he snakes his arms around my waist and down to my butt, I remember he said he was going to slap my ass. My eyes widen and he smiles "Ah, I see you remember what I said?" He squeezed my butt a little and pulled me closer to his chest and any remaining space between us was gone.

"Haha, ok let's talk about this." I laugh nervously and try to push away but he won't let go "No, I don't think there I anything to discuss. You said it yourself you wouldn't mind" I look up at him and he smirks.

I decided to mess with him a little, I already knew there was no escaping so might as well have some fun with it. "I guess you are right, I did say that didn't I?" I slowly trail my hands down his arms and to his hands "Plus who would I be if I went back on my word right?" I say in a seductive voice, his eyes are on me and he's waiting to see what I do next.

Slowly I trail his hands up and under the sweatpants I was wearing, I had on loose booty shorts and I places his hands there, his eyes widened slightly before he grabs my ass. I slowly lean in and my head in the crook of his neck since I couldn't reach his ear, "That means that all that is yours, no one else's. That was what you said right?" I whispered and he shivered under my touch, he lets go but keeps his hands on my ass.

"You're a big fucking tease you know that?" I wrap my arms around his neck and look at him, we both start laughing. He pulls his hands out of the sweats and I take a step back "I'm not gonna lie I was a little disappointed when I felt your shorts under. I was expecting bare ass." I slap his arm and he starts laughing I felt myself start to blush.

"Well I'm gonna get going, and I'm keeping the sweats. I don't think you'd let me out of the house otherwise." He furrows his brows and gives me a confused look, I huff and pull the sweats down a little, the shorts were too short, the even showed a little under ass. His eyes widened and he licked his lips.

"I mean unless you'd like me showing this off?" I asked as i shift my hips from side to side and let the sweats fall lower, he walks over to me and quickly pulls them back up "Yeah there's no way you are going to ever wear those again." I walk to the door and he slaps my bottom, I almost scream but he covers my mouth. I groan but it sounds more like a moan and Grayson chuckles into my neck since he is standing behind me

"Guess you enjoyed that almost as much as I did." He spoke right next to my ear and I shivered, after a second I removed his hand and leaving him in the room.

I go into the kitchen where Sophia and Lisa were sitting. "Sorry Sophia, I hope you don't mind I borrowed one of your sweats" She looks at the sweats I was wearing then says "It's fine, I think those are the ones I stole from Ethan anyway." She shrugs her shoulders and we go to my car

"I hope you are ready to get diabetes tonight cause we are gonna eat so much fucking food!"


Hey lovelies! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

More to be posted soon!

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