{Chapter 17}

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On the drive home I couldn't stop smiling, I was excited to see Grayson again. It hadn't been that long since I've seen him but it was nice having him around.

I pull into my driveway and see the guys cars are already there, including Grayson. So I run up the walkway and to the door. The guys were in the kitchen so I quickly fix my hair and pat my shirt down to make me look good after I check myself I go into the kitchen and the guys all welcome me.

"If it isn't Miss Audrey Miller," Harvey says as he pulls me into a hug, Harvey is my favorite. He is the sweetest one of them all and truly is everyone's big brother. He pulls away and I give everyone else a hug, leaving Jess and Grayson.

"Of course I saved the best for last," I said as I smiled at both of them and opened my arms to Jess and just as he was about to hug me I duck under his arm and jump to hug Grayson. He caught me and held me in his arm and gently swung me from side to side.

"I missed you so much Peaches" he whispered into my ear as he puts me down, no one was paying attention because they were talking about what movie they wanted to watch and who would sit where so I lightly jumped up and kissed his cheek. He looked down at me slightly shocked but then he smiled and held my hand.

"Hey, bean do you wanna watch a movie with us? We were gonna have some snacks and get some pizza later on." Jess turned to me completely missing the fact that I'm holding Grayson's hand.

"Yeah sure, as long as the pizza is pineapple." I smiled and the guys agreed. The guys walked to the couch but I quickly ran upstairs and changed into some Adidas shorts since I changed into jeans before I went to Sophia's house and grabbed a thin blanket.

I went back to the couch and saw a spot between Grayson and Josh, 'Oh no' that's not a great combination since Josh was a flirt but I sit there anyway. I covered my legs with the blanket and lean my head onto Josh's shoulder. "Hey baby, long time no see huh?" He asked as he puts his hand on my thigh "Yeah I guess but I didn't really miss you. You kind of annoying." I replied as I put my hand over his.

"Well, at least I'm not clingy." He said pointing to my hand and head "Fine screw you then" after I said that I lifted my head off his shoulder and moved my legs so they were over Grayson's and he held then on his lap so I looked at him and he looked kind of angry but I didn't really get why.

" I was kidding! Gosh no need to go running to Grayson, I got you babe." He went to go grab my legs but Grayson slapped his hand away.

"You already had your chance buddy, it's my turn now." As he's speaking he pulls me into his chest with my head resting on his shoulder and he puts his arm around me.

"That's fine, I know she'll come back to the better version" josh says and he smirks at Grayson. "Not while she's mine you fucking won't." Grayson's voice was so quiet it was even less than a whisper, if I hadn't been so close to him I definitely wouldn't have heard him, even as close as I was I barely heard it but I'm glad I did. I snuggled into his chest more and the movie started playing


This movie was kinda gross, I know that I should be mature and stuff like that but I've never really been into watching sex scenes or anything sexual. Sure I've done stuff but I don't like watching it. So I just closed my eyes and laid on Grayson. He put his hand on my lower back and his other hand was behind his head, I opened my eyes for a quick second to look up at him and he looked absolutely perfect, his hair was a little messy but it was sexy messy. I put my hand onto his cheek and rubbed circles softly onto it. He looked down at me sleepily and smiled lightly, pulling me closer to him even though it meant I was almost completely laying on him and he snuggled his head into the crook of my neck so my head was above his.

An amazing nightmare//Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now