{Chapter 41}

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Today was a very emotionally draining day, Jess wasn't happy about me lying to him and my parents this whole time, he was actually pissed at me for putting myself in such a toxic situation. He was also mad at Grayson for putting so much weight on my shoulders but I made him promise not to say anything and I told him what I was planning on doing.

"I can't believe you kept this hidden for so long Audrey." He groaned and put his head in his hands "I know, Jess I'm sorry I was just scared! I didn't know who to tell and I was scared of being judged again." I confessed and he sighed, I knew he was trying to put himself in my position to calm himself but he was pissed "So, are you actually gonna go through with it? You're just gonna deny both and never see them again?" He looked up at me and I nodded "I wanted to move to New York, Jess remember that penthouse dad said I could stay in over the summer? I wanted to live there for a few years and finish school there." I looked back up at him and a tear rolled down his cheek "You want to leave.. you're just gonna leave me and your life to live in New York? Why can't you just stay here? i- i'll keep a closer eye on you i will make sure neither of them try and talk to you i-" His voice was shaky and my heart was breaking "Jess I swear I'll call you every day and text you every hour, it's best for me and for them." I wiped the tear from his face and hugged him tightly "You know this only hurts so much because you're right, I can't believe how mature you're being about this. You truly are one of strongest people I've ever known, I'm just scared of losing you. You've always been across the hall from me and thinking of having you hundreds of miles away scares the hell out of me." He sobs into my shoulder and I hold onto him tighter, I felt the same way, Jess was literally there since I was born. From the first day to now I've never been away from Jess for long and the thought of me living somewhere else makes my heart ache. I don't even know if this plan will work, both Grayson and Ethan have enough money to follow me anywhere. They also have the connections to find me anywhere i go.

"I know Jess, I love you so much and I promise this won't be forever, I just need time to heal from all this and time to find myself. I can't keep living like this, I'm miserable living without a path guiding me." I admitted and he pulled away to look at me, only once in my life had I ever seen Jess cry this way and that was twelve years ago. I hadn't seen him cry since and this was killing me to know I was causing him this much pain "Maybe I can stay with you for the summer? And the guys could come to visit us so we won't be alone?" He suggested, I laughed as tears flowed down my face "Yes, yes, of course, they can come, we can go clubbing and watch movies together just like one big family." I laughed and another tear streamed down my face, Jess smiled weakly and wiped the tears from my checks, I kissed his forehead and hugged him again. "We should go to bed, it's been a rough night for both of us, you mostly." I nodded and we both went to our rooms.


Here we go again, my last day with Ethan and I'm exhausted. This isn't fair to him I should be excited to see him and I am but I'm so tired, emotionally and physically tired. I took a couple of deep breaths and slapped myself a little then rang the doorbell. A couple seconds later a sleepy Ethan answered the door, his face was puffy and his hair was a fluffy mess, he looked at me for a second then smiled widely. His smile alone made me feel so much better, I rushed into him and hugged him tightly, his body was still warm and he smelled good. "Well hello to you too." He chuckled as he hugged me back, his voice was groggy but it was cute. I pulled away and closed the door behind me "So Ethy you ready for today?" I asked but he just stared at me blankly "Am I missing something, did we have anything planned?" He rubbed his eyes and dragged his feet over to the couch "No but I wanted to hang out with you today." Since I'm never going to see that beautiful smile of yours again.

"Oh, well let me get ready and we can go do something." He stood up but I pushed him back down "I actually wanted to just stay here... with you and just do whatever." I teased as I sat on his lap, I put my hands behind his head and he looked at my body then back at my face "It's too early for your teasing Audrey." He whines and I laughed at how he knew me so well "Alright you got me but I really do just wanna chill here and just talk, maybe watch a couple moves, cuddle.." I trailed off and he looked at me again, this time I didn't smile or do anything else just looked into each other's eyes. He was trying to figure me out and I was trying to be figured out, slowly he trailed his fingers up my sides and to my cheeks, he didn't break eye contact with me. I pushed myself closer to him and attached our lips, he took no time to kiss back and hold me close to him, he had both hands on my hips and I had mine on his cheek and neck. I moved my lips down to his jaw and neck where I kissed around his sensitive areas until he made a noise, I focused on his sweet spot and bit at it lightly. He groaned and sunk back into the couch more, his grip on my hips tightened and he started moving them in a circular rhythm, I started moving in his motions but harder and he hummed in pleasure. "You should stop now, I don't wanna take things too far-" his voice broke and he groaned loudly because I moved my hips down then dragged myself back up over his member and continued to rotate my hips.

An amazing nightmare//Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now