{Chapter 3}

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Just a Lil smut at the end, not a lot. But still ;}

"And here is the cafeteria, you can come here before your first-period class if you want to hang out with your friends or if its cold." The cafeteria was empty because all the students were still in class, it was after lunch anyway the day was almost over.

"So do you know any kids who smoke?" I guess my question caught her off guard because her eyes widened and her mouth opened slightly

"You smoke, like weed or cigarettes?'' she pulled a chair out from under the table and quickly sat down

"Ew I hate cigarettes, they taste and smell gross. But weed, on the other hand, I'm in love with. It isn't as bad as your parents tell you it is. I should let you try it one day." I wink and sit back in my chair. 

"Oh god no, if my brother found out I smoked weed he would find you and kill you! He made me swear that if I ever smoked my first time would have to be with him." She rolled her eyes at the mention of her brother. 

"Does your brother go here? Is he a Junior too?" her cheeks turn red slightly but it wasn't because she was nervous, it looked as if she was angry or frustrated 

"No he's a senior, or he would be if he hadn't gotten expelled. He's the reason why I can never have friends over. He fucks every friend I bring home, then I end up losing friends. The only time I can have friends over is if he isn't home or its Colin my gay best friend." My curiosity peaks on this mysterious brother of hers.

"Why did he get expelled? Did he fight someone on campus or something?" We both laugh a little and she slaps her knee, such a vintage soul she is. 

"No, he got expelled for vandalizing the principal's office, he sprayed a dick on the principal's door." Waw this mystery brother sounds amazing

"So uh whats his name? If you don't mind me asking?" She goes on her phone to find his Instagram 

"Here, his name is Ethan." She hands me her phone and let me say this boy is a God. He has a perfect jawline and an amazing toned body. He has a pretty big following over 1.6K it doesn't beat my 2.5K though, ha.

"Hey is it ok if I add my Instagram? Just so I will be able to talk to you after school?" She nods her head and I follow my account. 

"So when is the next time he will be gone? Id love to have you come over or go to your place? Hope I don't sound too straightforward." To be honest, I just want to meet this Ethan kid, god the things id do to him.....

"Well you're in luck, he won't be home tonight, he's going out with his gang." Did she seriously just say that

"Gang? As in a group of friends or an actual gang?" Please be the second one! Please be the second one!

"Oh god no! I meant a group of friends of course. I wouldn't sell out my brother like that if he was in an actual gang, haha, hey your brother is a senior right?" 

"Yeah, that's kinda funny. If your brother still went here they might have been friends." She looks annoyed when I talk about her brother I can tell her relationship with him is nothing like mine and Jess. 

"Id feel bad for your brother, Ethan would get him in trouble, that's what he did with all his other friends." She looks down at her feet. 

"Jess isn't the type to be manipulated, he has a strong mind. If he thinks something is wrong he will  speak on it. We are both like that, that's why we were so popular back at my old school." Sophia stands up and puts on her backpack 

An amazing nightmare//Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now