{Chapter 11}

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There is definitely some smut in this one, fo sho haha. 

A warm light shines down onto my face and my eyes flutter open.  My arm stretches out but it hits something, Jess. Slowly I make my way out of bed and walk to the door. "Audrey?" Jess's voice was low and raspy and I turn around to face him. 

"Hey Jess, good morning." I rub my forearm gently and look down, I'm still kinda mad at Jess for what he said. It hurt a lot, his words still replay in my mind. "Audrey oh my god, I'm so sorry for what I said! Please never run away again, I was so worried I thought something had happened to you!" Jess ran out of bed and engulfed me in a tight hug as he swung me from side to side 

I laugh quietly so I don't wake our parents and hug him back, his words were mushed together from how fast he was talking, {James Charles who??}

"Audrey listen I'm so sorry, I was just so angry and I wasn't thinking straight." He put me down and held my hand "It's fine, I know you were just being overprotective. But if you ever call me a tramp again I will shove my heel up your ass." I punch his shoulder and went downstairs to get breakfast.


After I finish breakfast I start washing dishes and enjoying the warm sun from the window when I get a text.

Teddy Bear- Hey Peaches! <3

me- Hey Gray! I like the kissy thing

Teddy Bear- Kissy thing? So you wanna kiss me?? ;}

me- sir, I don't remember saying that

Teddy Bear- So you don't want to kiss me....? ;(

me- well... I never said that ;)

Teddy Bear- :}

I laugh a little then go back upstairs to my room to take a shower, I had my phone in the shower resting on one of the shelves while I listen to music. My favorite song was playing, Lava Lamp by Cuco {That songs actually super good if you like slow aesthetically pleasing music}

Incoming Facetime call from 'Teddy Bear'

I swipe accept while still in the shower, rinsing the shampoo from my hair. "Hey, Peaches I'm gonna pick you up in....." I open my eyes slightly and Grayson is starring at me wide-eyed "Hey Teddy bear?" I wipe my face and get closer to the camera, he couldn't see anything, only from my collarbone up so I didn't see what was so wrong.

"I uh... I'll call you later, text me when you're done" His voice sounded kinda funny like he was nervous and I thought it was precious. "No! Come on I'm almost done just talk to me, it doesn't matter it's not like it's the first time I've done this." I put some conditioner in my hands and rub it into my hair.

"Wait you Facetime people while you're in the shower?" he asked "I mean yeah, I don't see the harm in it it's not like you can see anything. Plus I trust you so it's not like I have anything to worry about, right?" I wink at him and grab my purple luffa and add my cherry body wash to it. "You never know, I mean I could just as easily take screenshots and save them for me time" I almost choke on my breath, I hope that Gray didn't see but he chuckles so my wish clearly wasn't granted.

"I'm kidding, I'm not that creepy. If anything I'd have you come over and do this but while I'm in the shower with you." I look at the camera and smirk to myself. God damn, this boy has no idea what he's doing to me. "Peaches did you just smirk? Did I see a sly little smirk on your face?" 

"No, no you didn't." I look back up at the camera and bite my lip. "Tease" he bit his bottom lip and mimicked me, we both laugh a little, but I decided might as well tease him. I already started a little plus the mood is right for a little teasing.

"So what were you saying about picking me up?" I start rinsing my hair slowly sexually, standing a little taller so he can see a little bit lower. But not too much "I uh, I was saying I'm gonna come to pick you up in an hour." I open my eyes a little but not enough for him to see and he's clenching his jaw. "So no option? It sounded like I didn't have an option." I moan a little at the end and his mouth opens a little and he hums a yes. 

"You don't have an option, you're mine for today." Every once in a while I moan a little and open my mouth as if I was pleasuring myself, but when I secretly open my eyes I see him with his head back and his eyes closed. My eyes open wide and I realize what he's doing, smirking a little I start to moan again but this time a little louder and the camera starts to shake a little. 

"God Audrey..." Graysons voice was low and very quiet but I still heard it, just barely. "oh my god" I moaned and his mouth slowly opened as he licked his lips. I keep moaning, only faintly then Grayson's Adam's apple bobs up and down and he moans. 

I turn off my water and he quickly looks at me only to find me already starring at him. "Wait were you watching me?" He smirks and I just laugh. "You're welcome Teddy Bear." I blow him a kiss and hang up without another word. 

Hey lovelies! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! 

More to be posted soon!

Oh wow, this was so awkward to write! I'm not meant for writing smut,

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