{Chapter 14}

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Grayson's POV:

"Then we kissed, holy fuck we kissed!" She gasped and slapped my shoulder repeatedly "Grayson you kissed Audrey! Are you kidding me that wasn't romantic!" She slumped back into her seat and rubbed her forehead.

"I know I know! But you seriously can't tell her about this, remember she thinks that you and I have problems." She nods her head and looks back at me "Why did you have to lie to her about that part, I get why you told her about you and Ethan thing but you didn't have to make up bullshit about me." I really did feel bad for lying about Sophia but it would be suspicious if I didn't want to see anyone in my family other than her.

"Well?" She trailed the word so I would continue but I had nothing to say. "Well what? That was the whole story, I just drove her home and I asked her if it was just a kiss and she said yeah and I agreed. That was it." I shrugged my shoulders but she wasn't pleased with my answer. "Was it really just a kiss to you though?" She leaned on the table and looked me in the eyes. 

I honestly didn't know the answer. Was the kiss good? Yeah. Would I ever do it again? Hell yeah, but did I have feelings for her? I don't know. She was super sweet and different from other girls, most girls just fall to my feet and only see me as this sex god or a monster. But Audrey, she sees me for me, she sees me as Grayson. Not as a good fuck or a manic with a horrific past, she was also very genuine, you don't find many people like that. She kept my secret without questioning me and she also trusted me. 

Thinking of her made me smile and Sophia squealed. "Oh my god! You do like her, don't you!" She started bouncing in her seat and people around us started staring. "Soph, I never said that. I don't really know, to be honest, I mean she's sweet and everything but you know I can't drag her into the life I'm living, I can't put her in that kind of danger." she grabs my hand and gives me a sympathetic smile, she knew what I meant and we backed off of the subject.

"So how about you take me to the new house you keep bragging about?" I shoot my head up and she is already out of the booth "Lets go!" I grab her hand and we run to my car. 

Audrey's POV:

I wanted to invite Sophia over tonight for a movie so we can catch up on everything, We had a 4 day weekend and I hadn't talked to her at all in 3 days I still had all of tomorrow but I wanted to have a sleepover. I went out to a grocery store close to my house and grabbed a basket so I could fill it with junk food and drinks. I was walking through the chips section when someone grabbed my arm. I was about to swing when I saw it was Ethan, he had a sly smirk on his face when he saw my fist.

"Jesus Ethan, you scared the hell out of me." I put my hand over my heart and he laugh, pulling me into a hug. I guess he isn't mad about the thing that happened at the beach yesterday. "So what are you doing here?" I asked looking for Sophia's favorite kind of chips "Same thing as you, getting junk food." He replied and I roll my eyes playfully. I grab about 3 different kinds of chips and when I reached for the fourth Ethan grabbed it for me.

"Why so many? I don't think your petit body can eat all of that." I looked at him with fake shock and put my hand over my heart "Ethan Dolan! Are you fat shaming me?" His eyes widened an I start laughing "No! No, I was just asking, you can eat however much you want. You will still look beautiful." He rambled on and I put my hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"It's ok I was kidding, and to answer your question I was getting all this because I wanted to invite your sister over for a girls night tonight." He nods his head and pulls me into another hug. "Well, I won't stop you so have fun and don't get her drunk please." I laugh and hold him a little tighter 

Someone clears their throat and when I let go of Ethan I see the blonde girl from yesterday "Babe who is that?" She asked looking at me in disgust, strike 1. 

"This is Audrey, my very close friend." She pulls him away from me and holds his hand, strike 2.

"Yeah well back off Aubrey, he's mine. So go sleep around somewhere else." And that was strike 3, I grab her neck and slam her into the shelve behind her, then I get in her face and say lowly with venom lasing my voice

"Listen here you stupid side chick, if you ever even think about pulling that shit again I will pop your fake lips and bust your artificial smile. You got that?" I tighten my grip of her neck and she nods her head quickly and starts pulling on my wrist to let go, after a couple of seconds I let her go and she falls to her knees, holding her neck and coughing. 

"Bye Ethan, see you later." I smile at him and wiggle my fingers goodbye, he looks at me and smirks 


I set everything on the table and started texting Sophia 

 Me- Hey Sophia!!!!

Baby Sophia- Hey Audrey! Whats up boo??

Me- Can I pick you up in like 2 hours for a sleepover?? ;]


Me- AYE!! Haha ok, see you soon! 

Baby Sophia- :}


I was about to leave when Grayson texted me 

Teddy Bear-  Hey peaches 🍑

Me- Hey there nasty boy, calm down with those emojis, I know I have a nice booty but it ain't yours ;))

Teddy Bear- Not yet it isn't ;}

Me- yeah ok 

Teddy Bear- Sarcasm can't be heard through text so that was you telling me your ass is all mine ;}

Me- I mean hell I'm not complaining...

Teddy Bear- Don't tease! ;[

Me- who said anything about me teasing?? 

Teddy Bear- I swear the second I see you I'm gonna slap your ass so hard you will have a permanent mark 

Me- Promise?? :}

Teddy Bear-  promise. 

I left him on read and drove to Sophia's place, I kinda wonder what he's thinking of now. He probably thinks I have this kind of spanking kink or something. 


Hey lovelies! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

More to be posted soon!

An amazing nightmare//Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now