{Chapter 40}

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(Wow I'm so sorry I haven't updated I've just been busy with school, plus no one is reading this so it's fine)
I had 2 days, my last 2 days with the twins and I sure as hell wasn't gonna waste them doing family activities so I told my parents I was still sore from the accident and they let me off the hook. It's not like I'd miss anything we really just go out to eat and maybe go watch a movie, my dad and mom hadn't had a real night out so they used this as an opportunity and made Jess stay home today and watch me. I wanted to see Grayson today and Ethan tomorrow but I couldn't just leave the house or have him come over because Jess would tell my mom. I slowly made my way down the stairs and saw Jess sitting on the couch.

"Hey, fat ass." I said as I let myself fall onto the couch next to him "You should be nicer to me, I'm staying here in this boring ass house watching your crippled ass." He slapped my forehead since I was laying on my back "You don't have to stay here you know, I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself, moms just overprotective." I looked up at him and he was smiling "So you're saying I can leave, but what if mom finds out?" He looked at my leg which was still wrapped "I won't tell if you won't" I shrugged and he jumped up excitedly "Thanks, sis!" He kissed my cheek and ran up the stairs, once he was in his room I pulled out my phone and texted Grayson.

Me- Gray! Come over for a little Jess's going out so you don't need an excuse

Teddy Bear- Now?

Me- Maybe like 30 minutes?

Teddy Bear- Sure, see you soon ;}

"So you're sure you'll be fine? I don't need you falling down the stairs and dying, mom would kill you for letting me leave then kill me for leaving ." I rolled my eyes but he was right mom would kill us "Yes dude I'm fine now go be free and keep your phone on you just in case." He grabbed his keys and ran out the door, now I can focus on Grayson. I thought watching a movie would be good so I turned on Netflix and put some popcorn in the microwave, I was about to go upstairs when someone rang the doorbell, I went to open it and the second I did someone lifted me into a hug. I looked at the hair and it was Jack so I hugged him. "Jack oh my god what are you doing here?" I exclaimed but he didn't say anything he just hugged me and swayed slightly, I wrapped my legs around his torso so I could use my arms. I lightly grabbed his head and made him look up at me, his eyes were glistening and his lips were narrowed "Jj I'm fine, I promise I'm doing better." He blinked a couple times then sighed, I pulled his head into my neck again and hugged him really tight "I was so worried about your dumb ass." He whispered and I laughed a little.

"I saw it on the news and I called Grayson to ask if it was true, he said yes and I've been waiting for you to finally get discharged." I smiled to myself because he told me he cared. "Thank you for coming Jj it means a lot." He huffed and put me down "I didn't only come here to visit you, remember I still hate you just not as much." I looked closer and saw a tear on the side of his face, I slowly reached up and wiped it with my thumb "I'm sure you do Jj," I smiled at him and he rolled his eyes and pulled me into another hug "I'm just glad you're not dead Audrey." We laughed a little and I slapped his chest "Do you want to stay for a little? I was gonna watch a movie with Gray so you could stay and watch with us?" He looked over at the couch then at his phone "Oh no it's fine, you should spend time with him he missed you a lot," He looked at me and continued "So are you gonna go through with what we talked about, or did you choose one?"He asked softly and I looked down "Yeah I'm gonna do it, it's what's best." I looked up at him and he nodded.

"You're a good person Audrey, sure you're stupid for getting yourself into this but you fixed it in the end and I'm proud of you." I smiled shyly and he sighed "Alright I'm gonna get going, have fun with Grayson and I'm glad you aren't dead or whatever." He turned around and started walking away but I cleared my throat loudly and he turned around "Did you need some water?" He said sarcastically and I opened my arms so he could hug me but he just stood there staring at me "Jj if you don't get over here and give me hug I will walk my crippled ass over there and fucking beat the shit out of you with my leg." I pointed to my leg that had a wrap on it and he sighed loudly then stomped his way over to me and scooped me into his arms. I started laughing loudly and he spun around with me in his arms, he slowed down and I looked at him and smiled "See now was that so hard?" He dropped me on the couch and started walking to the door "Yes, yes it actually was." He shot me a smug smile then left, I sat up and smiled to myself, Jack didn't seem to care about anything so the fact that he came to visit meant a lot to me. I hope nothing changes with us after i leave, Jack is so sweet and i think he needs someone like me in his life. I've noticed with him he has 2 different personalities, around the boys and then with me. I feel like i've peeled back some layers and i'm getting closer to the core, a sweet, soft core.

An amazing nightmare//Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now