{Chapter 8}

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I was reading a book on my chair next to the window when the doorbell started ringing rapidly. The boys downstairs started shouting and chanting, god they were loud. Putting my book aside I look out the window and see the guys wrestling on the front lawn. "Stupid pigs," I say to myself

My eyes wander over all the boys looking for someone new but I only see 1, he was a little shorter than the rest he was blonde and quite built. Until I see a tall boy standing by my brother, he looked kinda familiar but I just didn't know from where. He was at the same height as Harvey except his shoulders were bigger; more broad than Harvey.

My patience was coming to an end and I open my window so they can hear me. "Hey pigs! Could you kindly shut the fuck up? Thanks," I smile innocently and slam my window closed. I noticed that all the boys looked except for the one talking with my brother.


After watching 5 episodes of "The Originals" I got kinda thirsty, I open my door and I slam into the wall, but when I open my eyes I see legs.

"Oh, my god I'm so sorry I wasn't-" I'm shocked when I'm faced with Ethan, but when I look closely I see it isn't Ethan. He looked just like him but also so different at the same time.

"Ethan?" My voice trembled a little and the guy just flashed an unenthusiastic smile. 

"Sorry peaches wrong twin, I'm Grayson." He held his hand out for me to shake it and I did. "Did you just say twin? Ethan never mentioned a twin, neither did Sophia!" I was so confused and kinda creeped out, who was this guy?

"Well have you ever asked Ethan if he had any brothers?" He put his weight on one foot and leaned against the wall. "No, but that's only because-" He put his head back and put his hand on is forehead "Because you thought he would have mentioned it when you brought up siblings? Yeah well, Eth and I don't get along too well and it's the same with baby Soph." He pushed past me and went into the restroom.

I was going down the stairs and I see Jess so I tilt my head to the kitchen and we both meet up there. "Did you know there's a mysterious man upstairs who looks just like Ethan but isn't Ethan!" I practically whisper yell at him.

"Yeah his name is Grayson, and his Ethan's brother, so? They had a fall out, family problems. It happens and it isn't something people just blurt out all about at first meet." He grabbed a soda from the fridge and popped it open taking a sip. "Ethan has never mentioned this brother to me, like ever! And Sophia hasn't either!" I slap the side of his head and he growls at me

"Well, what do you think he is? Some crazy clone of your beloved Ethan? Listen, Gray is a super chill dude, and I don't want you hanging out with Ethan anymore." And with that Jess leaves me alone in the kitchen. 

I grab a water bottle and bag of Doritos and make my way up to my room. When I open my door I'm greeted by Grayson. "Hey, peaches." He smiles cheekily and twiddles his fingers at me. "What are you doing in my room you freak?" I stare at him while he lays on my bed flipping through channels.

"Well, I was wondering if you can do me the tiniest favor." His voice got higher as the sentence continues and I sat awkwardly beside him on my bed. He sat up and pulled me a little closer to him "You know if you pull me any closer my elbow will break your nose, but continue." I put a Dorito in my mouth then one in his

He chuckles deeply and starts playing with strands of my hair using the arm he has around me. "Well, I was wondering since you and I are friends now that you could do me the biggest favor in best friend history!" He dragged on the word 'history' and used too much sarcasm in his voice.

An amazing nightmare//Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now