{Chapter 32}

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2 weeks after the event

I've been ignoring everyone, I cut off everyone and just kept to myself. Thinking about what I wanted to do, I'm making myself go insane and I know that this isn't healthy but I couldn't help it. If I choose to stay here then I lose Grayson forever and I can be with Ethan which sounds amazing but then I think about losing Grayson and I start panicking. Now that I have him in my life I want him to stay but I know we won't be able to stay friends, it's pretty clear we have a thing for each other.

My parents were calling me downstairs and after a couple minutes I finally decided to go down. When I got downstairs everyone was looking at me confused, I didn't see it at first but then I looked to the door, someone was standing there with a bouquet of flours. It was huge, way bigger than a normal bouquet, I almost couldn't see the girl holding it. "Oh my god," I whispered and walked to the girl, everyone's eyes followed me. There was a card and it was in Grayson's writing

"You were temptingly beautiful, but stung when I got close."

My heart hurt a little and I took the flowers from the girl. I knew that quote from a book I had, then it clicked. Grayson remembered when he was in my room that first night he made comments on my room so he must have seen the book that was the book I was reading so it was still on my bed. "Looks like someone has a secret admirer, how sweet." My mom was starring in amazement at the flowers and she started going through them, sniffing as she peaked through. "I thought you said you didn't have a boyfriend." My dad crossed his arms in front of him an starred me down "Kev, leave her alone she's almost 18, I'm glad you're experiencing love. Who's the lucky guy."Everyone was starring at me, Jess knew something was off I could tell by the way he was looking at me "I don't have a boyfriend." My dad gasped and he came over to hug me. "She has a girlfriend! Honey, why didn't you tell us before?" I pushed my dad away and started laughing "Dad no, these are from Grayson, we got into an argument and this is him trying to make it up to me." I let my fingers trail through the flowers and everyone was quiet. 

"Well thats very sweet, isn't Grayson the big fellow that you always have over Jess?" Jess sneaks p behind me and takes the note from my hand and reads it. "Yeah, he is a good guy but I don't want him acting my baby sister!" Jess pushed me away but I honestly didn't have the effort to fight with him. "Jess stop pushing her around like that." My dad said sternly and Jess started to go on about how its a bad idea, I didn't want to talk anymore so I grabbed my flowers and went to my car.

I pulled out my phone and started listening to music and pulling petals off the roses, my head was spinning and couldn't stop thinking. I feel like my life with Grayson would be way different than the life I have now, not a bad different just new and exciting. I can imagine us living in a penthouse with a huge view of the city and live in peace. I wanted to work in the magazines I always wanted. I'd have my company publish the best things and have everyone around the world read them, plus I liked fashion and drama so I knew I'd work well in that business. Grayson well I don't know what he'd do, probably continue with his gang and do whatever it is he liked. Maybe even model? God knows he has the body for it, he's tan, has great muscles and is extremely handsome. Anyone would be lucky to have him working with their company, my music stopped and I got a call from Grayson, I looked at the name for a while wondering if it was worth answering. I answered the call and his screen connected. He was in a car but it didn't look like he was driving "Hey Peaches." He said happily, I waved at the camera and propers my phone up against my steering wheel.

"So how have you been Grayson, I haven't talked to you since... well you know" I picked the rose back up and finished pulling off its petals, I put them into a pile and started to rip the ends slowly. "I've been ok, I knew you needed space so I didn't want to just come back and make you stressed. I see you got the roses I sent you, kinda hoping you didn't do that to all of them though," I laughed a little and looked up at the camera "Sorry about that, I wish you were here Gray." I spoke softly and looked at the camera "I'm actually here, meet me at the diner" My first reaction was to grab my phone and stand up "Oh come on don't mess with me, Gray! Are you actually here?" I whined and he got out of his car "Yes I'm actually here." He answered "Meet here, I want to see you!" I hated to admit it but I actually really wanted to see him, I'm still unsure is I trust him but I couldn't help the butterflies in my stomach when I think of him.

I quickly made my way to the diner and I see Grayson at the other end just smiling at me, I start walking in quickly and so does he, our bodies crash together into a tight hug, we're both just laughing like idiots and stuttering things. I pulled away and grabbed his face "Oh my god your actually here!" I giggled and he pulled my hands off his face to hold them. "Well I did want to surprise you but I thought you'd be mad at me or you wouldn't want to see me," He stated but then he smiled "Glad I was wrong." He laughed and I rolled my eyes going back into a hug "Thank you for giving me my space, I needed that. I've been thinking like crazy and I think being away from you both has helped me." I said and snuggled my head into his chest "Yeah I figured you needed it, I knew it was a lot and I didn't want to stress you out more." He replied, he was right, I feel like if he were around I'd be so much more stressed then I am now. "Gray if I did choose to be with you where would we move?" I questioned and he sighed "We would go anywhere you like Miami, Arizona, Michigan, hell we could move back to Florida if you like." When he said Florida my heart hurt a little, just thinking of Florida makes me upset "I could see us in a New York apartment. I know I wanna work in fashion and magazines so New York would be perfect." I confessed, and he hummed "Yeah New York is great, lots of big businesses there." He added and I pulled away slowly looking up at him.

I could see a future with him, a clear one too. It's like when I imagine them they look like clips of our future. Then I think of Ethan and I come up blank, I can see something with him but they aren't big things, I see us going to dinner but I can never finish them even though its all in my imagination. I was still staring at Grayson and he smiled "Why are you looking at me? I get that I'm attractive but gosh get a grip woman." He said smugly and I rolled my eyes "I was just happy to see you, not anymore though." I spoke unenthusiastically and he hugged me tighter "I was thinking since I'm here we should go get food?" He asked with a cheesy smile "I don't know Gray, I've missed so much and I really need to focus, I'm still under a lot of pressure." I replied and pushed off him "Hey and another thing, does Ethan know about this little deal we have? He hasn't been talking to me at all and I'm kinda worried." He just thought to himself for a minute "No, no actually I haven't told him. Maybe I should talk to him after this? It'll be nice to be back in that house with him again, you know without having to sneak in." He chucked and and I look around and a few of the workers were starring at us.

"Please do, I don't know if it would be good if we told him last minute," I stated, Grabbing my bag I gave Grayson one last hug before going back home. People were watching me leave and it was probably weird for people to just meet in the middle of a restaurant and leave a few minutes after. 

When I got home again everything was calm, Jess had some of the guys over yet again, I could see my mom and dad in the kitchen and I felt a little better. I went up to my room and looked around. I looked at some of the photos I had up on the wall and around at some of the things I just had laying around. If I were to choose Grayson I'd have to leave all this behind, my friends, my house, and my family. We'd probably start a new life and I'd have to forget about all this. I don't know if I'm ready for that. But if I'm with Ethan, I get to keep all this and stay in a relationship. Ethan was sweet and he was familiar, I think back to the night Grayson told me his side of the story and how he treated me. With Ethan that kind of behavior was expected but Grayson, he has serious anger issues that he needs to work out. Maybe there are more things like that and he's hiding these things from me. 

I was thinking of making the next chapter Grayson POV!! I haven't done his in a little while.  Thank you for reading and Much love!!❤️❤️

An amazing nightmare//Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now