Mondo Owada x Reader

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Hey y'all! I thought I'd make a oneshot myself since nobody's been requesting anything. But, I'm also a huge fan of good old Mondo butter sooo.. Keep requesting, love you guys, see ya!


POV of Reader

It's always a hassle, that one day each month. The day Mondo Owada comes to my room to get his hair done. Being the Ultimate Hairstylist, it's not rare with the weird-ass hairstyles these students have: Hagakure, Yamada, Naegi.. But, out of all of them, Mondo's is the worst. It takes the longest, I use up a lot of my hair gel supply on him, and he never shuts up. But, I guess it's kind of fun, getting to take care of his hair. He's a funny guy in general, a bit loud, but it never really bothers me with all the loud hairdryers and stuff. Not only that, but his hair is really well-kept too, even before he started coming in monthly. Plus, I have to admit I've got a crush on the guy. How can you not love a fun guy like him?

Finally, Owada knocked on my door. I opened it and sighed, "You're late, again." He shrugged and walked inside. "I was busy," he mumbled. I brushed it off and sat him down. I started washing it, it went fast as usual. I looked down to see him watching me, his eyes fixed on my face. "Got a problem, Owada?" I growled. "Damn, sorry," he grunted, looking to the side and blushing. I chuckled and sat him up. For some reason, I really liked his hair down. I'd been suggesting he let it down for a day. But, he insists on keeping it in his usual style. I've never been one to judge anyways. I started drying it, as he talked through the noise, as usual. I look at the mirror and see him watching me again. "What? Am I doing something wrong?" I questioned. "N-no.. You're fine.." he blushed and looked away again.

As I turned him around in the chair, I saw his face was bright red. "You okay? You're red.." I ask. "I-I'm fine.." he stuttered. I knew he was lying. He doesn't just stutter like that. "What's going on, Owada?" I insisted, looking straight into his eyes. He pried away, "I-I can't look you in the face..." I backed up a bit. I was.. confused.. and kinda hurt. "Did I do something..?" I asked quietly. He shook his head. "Then why can't you look at m-" "Cause I fuckin' love you, okay?!" The room rang. He kept his head turned away, I could barely see his eyes behind his hair. I reached out to pull a strand of hair from his face. "Owada..?" I whispered. He looked up at me, completely red-faced. "Owada-kun.." I brushed his hair back with my hand. He turned to face me. "You're gonna be the eleventh, aren't you?" "What?" He sighed, "You're gonna be the eleventh girl to reject me.. aren't you?" I stared at him. "Why would I reject you?" I asked softly. "Cause I'm too weak to face my own problems!" He shouted. "I don't care about that." I stated. His expression softened. "What..?" "I don't care about that," I repeated, "I don't care if you're scared, I don't care if you're angry. No matter what, I'll always love you, Owada-kun." He blushed and relaxed, his hands resting on top of mine. Suddenly, he pulled my head close to his and kissed me gently. I kissed him back, my fingers running through his hair. When he pulled away, he smiled. "Do you want to finish my hair? Maybe I'll try it down today," he laughed. "I thought you'd never ask." I smiled and got up, getting back to work.

When I showed him the results, he looked at me through the mirror. "I love it.." he whispered.

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