Mondo Owada x Reader

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Requested by Stripedredsweater99 (loving these requests my dude)

POV of Mondo

I walk down the dark hallway. It's past night hours, but I can't sleep and Taka's sleeping so he can't tell me off. It's been raining all day and everybody knew. There was never a quiet moment today.. Another clap of thunder booms through the school and I hear a whimper and a yelp.. I look around and see an open dorm room up ahead with the lights off. I look at the label next to the door..

"(L/n), (F/n).." I read to myself. I knock on the open door quietly. "W-Who is it?" I hear her ask. "It's Mondo. Can I come in?" I reply. "O-Oh.. yeah sure.." she calls out. I walk inside and see (Y/n) curled up in bed. She shifts to the side and I sit down next to her. "You can't sleep either?" she assumes. I shake my head. "Yeah, me neither.." she mumbles. "So, what've you been doing?" I ask. "Uh.." Suddenly, more thunder rings through the room and I notice (Y/n) quickly hide underneath her blanket. She's shaking.. "You okay?" I ask quietly. She looks out from under the blanket and we hear another clap of thunder. She yelps and quickly grabs onto my arm. "(Y/n)?" I whisper. She pulls herself away from me and looks away embarrassed. "S-Sorry.." she mumbles. She's scared of thunder? That's kind of cute.. 

"It's fine.. You want me to stay?" I ask. She pulls her knees up to her chin and looks up at me. "Y-You'd do that?" she asks quietly. I nod, "Sure.. I've got nothing else to do. Plus, I bet you don't wanna be alone." She smiles a bit. "Okay.. thanks..." she mumbles. "It's no problem-" I'm cut off by more thunder. I notice (Y/n) is starting to shake again. I wrap the blanket around us and put my arm around her shoulder. She seems to relax and leans into my side. It's quiet for the next half-hour, with the occasional thunder making her jump. Before I know it, I look down and she's fast asleep, leaning against me. I grin to myself and plant a small kiss on her forehead, and before I know it, I'm drifting to sleep myself..

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