Bully!Kokichi Oma x Victim!Short!Reader

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Requested by Stripedredsweater99

POV of Reader

I walked down the hallway timidly, constantly looking around.. I've been bullied so much it's made me paranoid... By who? Kokichi Oma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader.. I know he's short, but I'm shorter, and he uses that to his advantage. Usually, when he bullies me, I try to act a bit angry.. but it really gets to me. I just have to bottle it up so he doesn't have more to use..

I kept walking when suddenly, I felt someone grab my collar and stop me. "Well, well, Miss (Y/n).." I heard Oma whisper, "You thought you could evade me today?" I kept silent as he spun me around. "Let's see.. I've insulted you, humiliated you, blackmailed you..." As he kept listing all the ways he's tortured me, it comes to me that I can't take it anymore.. and all of a sudden, I broke...

"I get it!" I shouted. Oma stopped and stared at me. "I'm short, I make poor fashion choices, I'm weak, I can't fend for myself, you've made that all very clear to me!" I said weakly, tears forming in my eyes, "I'm not the Ultimate Supreme Leader like you, you're superior to me and I know that! I get it, I'm inferior to everybody here!" Oma just stares at me as I silently begin to cry. He looks away, almost ashamed, "Wow, do I really make fun of you that often?" I don't say anything.. "I must make you feel awful, huh?" I keep silent.. "And now you don't wanna talk to me..?" He asks, almost sounding hurt.. I look over at him, tears still running down my face. 

"I can insult myself, watch me!" He says, "I'm insecure about my height, I'm rude, I interrupt people, I don't know when to stop.." I stare at him.. "C'mon.." he says, pulling me by my arm to the cafeteria door. He stops me before I go inside. "Watch!" He says enthusiastically. I watch as he opens the door and walk inside, and a bucket of water falls over his head, drenching him and hitting him with the bucket. "There, how was that?" "Why did you do that..?" I ask timidly. He grabs my hands with his soaked ones, "Cause I'm really sorry and I wanna make it up to you.. I've been a fucking jerk.. But now we're even, right?" I stop for a second.. "That.. was kinda funny.." I say, laughing slightly. "Yeah! I can prank myself more-" "No, that was fine!" I cut him off. "Okay.. just.. do you forgive me..? I'm not lying I promise!" he pleads. I think for a second.. "Okay, okay.. I forgive you.." I say softly. He grins and pulls me into a tight hug..

I guess he isn't that bad after all..

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