Gundham Tanaka x Reader: Red Strings Soulmate!Au

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Requested by Kockichist

POV of Gundham

"When the time is right, at the age of sixteen,

a red string will appear and you follow its lead

towards a boy or a girl

the one you'd call 'soulmate'.

But be patient, if no string appears then you wait,

until your partner turns the appropriate age."

"Ridiculous," I scoffed. "You really don't believe in the red strings?" (Y/n) asked. "Of course not! The red strings are a myth to make you mortals feel loved," I said. She smirked, "Maybe you're just salty because you're already sixteen and you haven't seen it." "I haven't seen it because it doesn't exist!" I growled. "C'mon, everybody's got a soulmate. Even you," She said, poking my chest. My cheeks began to turn pink as I swatted her hand away, "How would you know, mortal?" "We've been friends for twelve years, I know you more than anybody here," she said simply. "Maybe you have.. but I, Gundham Tanaka, do not require a 'soulmate'!" I laughed triumphantly. "Sure.. Whatever you say.." she said sarcastically, "I gotta go, it's almost night hours." "Take care, Miss (Y/n)," I said quietly. "Yeah, you too.." she said, pushing on my shoulder to stand up. She then waved at me and left my cottage.

I didn't believe in the red strings.. But I secretly hoped they would show for Miss (Y/n). We've been friends since childhood and she's the best friend any god could ask for. I loved her like a sister, but that doesn't mean I've never had a crush on her. I gave up long ago, when told me she had a crush on another boy at our old high school.. It crushed me at the time.. but that doesn't mean I can't hope she'll find true love in somebody else. Tomorrow is her sixteenth birthday, and I've informed the others of it. I plan to spend the day with her, as friends..

The next morning, I awoke to a tug-like feeling in my chest. I sat up and noticed a bright red string placed on my chest and leading through my cottage and under the door. I felt the string and attempted to pull it off. I winced in pain as the string wouldn't come off. It seemed that it was attached to my skin.. I got up from my bed and changed my clothes, wrapped my scarf around my neck and picked up my Four Dark Devas of Destruction and headed out the door, ignoring the string. 

As I headed to the cafeteria, I realized I was late.. I noticed the string lead to the cafeteria as well, through the door and inside.. I opened the door and everybody turned to stare at me. I noticed the string leading into the crowd.. "You're late, what happened?" Hinata asked, pushing his way through the crowd towards me. "I lost track of time, I apologize.." I replied. "Well, all of us got a present for her, can you keep her busy while we get it?" he asked. I nodded and he got the rest of the students away and out of the cafeteria. I looked over at (Y/n), but before I could say anything, she ran and hugged me tightly. "Gundham! The red strings, they're real! I saw them this morning!" she exclaimed happily. "Oh really?" I said. "Yeah! They-" she fell silent and stared at me, then down at my chest. I did the same and noticed the red string coming from her chest, connected to mine... I froze, a blush rushing onto my cheeks. "You.. see it too?" she asked quietly. I nodded, silent. I felt her hand touch the red string gently. "We're.. soulmates.." she whispered. I was about to pull my scarf over my face when she wrapped her arms around me quickly. She was laughing.. smiling.. 

She looked up at me and her face fell. "You're not happy?" She asked, disappointed. "I.." I mumbled, "You.. don't know how long I've wanted you.." I hugged her tightly, her head resting on my shoulder. I felt her place her hands on my shoulders. "I love you, Gundham.." She whispered. "I.. love you too..." I mumbled.

"(Y/n)?" I heard someone call out. I turned around and saw everybody had come back. "C'mon, we've got your present outside!" Sonia exclaimed.  (Y/n) let go of me and followed them, I followed behind, the string still present.  We followed the others to the shore and found the beach had been beautifully decorated. "C'mon!" Akane exclaimed, pulling (Y/n) into the party.

As the sun set, everybody was enjoying themselves at the beach. I stood next to (Y/n) and she leaned against my side as I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. "So, do you believe in the red strings now?" She asked. "I suppose I have no choice now.." I laughed. She smiled and stared out into the water. "Happy birthday.." I whispered. "Thanks.." she mumbled back. Suddenly, she pulled me down by my neck and pressed her lips to mine. I wrapped my hands around her waist and dipped her slightly. I broke the kiss and pulled her back up to her feet. We looked down at our string and it was gone.. I smiled softly at her and she smiled back, leaning her head on my chest. I rubbed her back as she listened to my beating heart..

this is sweet

I'm glad I did this

btw everyone saw you smooching

they all ship it

ok good talk

also can someone appreciate my mediocre poem

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