Kiyotaka Ishimaru x Reader

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Requested by snowflakesparklegore

POV as Reader

I groaned as Ishimaru gave me another one of his lectures. " dangerous! I don't know what you were thinking! You could have gotten killed if I hadn't showed up! You've got to be more cautious!" "I'm the Ultimate Daredevil, I'll be fine!" I yelled, stepping to the side. He just stepped in my way again. God, so annoying.. All I did was ride down the stairs on my skateboard, that's not bad! I just messed up and fell down one flight. Ishimaru kept scolding at me as he bandaged my wounds. "Shit!" I winced as he cleaned one of the cuts. He glared at me. I growled and watched him.

"This wouldn't have happened if you'd been more careful," he stated. I rolled my eyes and kept watching him bandage my leg. "You know, I really do care about your safety, Y/N.." he said, looking at me, more concerned than angry. I laughed, "No you don't." "Yes I do!" 

"No you don't!"

"Yes I do!"



"Prove it!" I shouted. He threw himself on top of me and kissed me. When he pulled away, I put my hands over my mouth, my face turning red. I was in shock. He stared at the ground, blushing hard. "I-I love you, Y/N.. P-Please don't hurt yourself that bad.." he stuttered. I kept silent. He's insane. He's fucking insane. "I.. can't be sure of that.." I mumbled. He stood up and pulled me up with him, brushing himself off. "I'm sorry, but you told me to prove myself," he stated. I smiled a bit and moved in closer to him, leaning on his chest. He turned bright red. "I love you too, Ishi.." I whispered, kissing him. He stood stiff, frozen to one spot.

I love that look.

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