Mondo Owada x Bullied!Reader

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Requested by Stripedredsweater99 

POV of Mondo

Leon fans don't throw hands (that kinda rhymed)

I sat in class, bored as usual as the teacher was talking some bullshit. I slumped in my seat and started looking around the room. Taka was taking notes, Junko was fixing her hair, and (Y/n) was staring at her desk, putting a strand of her hair behind her ear. I smiled a bit to myself. I had a huge crush on her. She was cute, nice and friendly, but she hated violence and got uncomfortable when having to confront others. There was no way she'd like a punch first, ask questions later guy like me, but I could dream.. 

I knew she was afraid of Leon, being the bitch that he is. I was 100% sure he's making fun of her, but I'd never seen it happen. So, I didn't have a reason to kick his ass. I knew I couldn't beat him up in front of her. She'd hate me if I did. But I'm absolute shit at taking care of problems peacefully..

"Mondo Owada!" I heard a voice snap. I looked over and saw the teacher staring at me. Everyone was gone.. "The bell rang, get to lunch now," she said. "Yes ma'am.." I grumbled. I got up and hurried out of the classroom. When I did, I heard voices coming from the corner. I stood against the wall and eavesdropped. I heard a guy laughing and a girl crying. I looked around and saw Leon and (Y/n).. I knew it, he was making fun of her! I felt my face boiling already. I turned around and stormed towards him. I grabbed him by the collar and lifted him to my height. But, I stopped when I heard (Y/n) gasp. Peaceful... remember, idiot? "Listen.. I swear if I catch you insulting her again, I'm gonna-" He cuts me off, "What're you gonna do? You want your ass handed to you?" "You wanna see your head in your lap tomorrow morning?" I snapped. His face went pale. I dropped him and he stormed off, mumbling angrily.

I turned to (Y/n), who was staring at me. Her face was tear stained and her lip was quivering.. "You okay?" I asked gently. "Yeah.. It's just.. I was expecting you to hit him or something.." she mumbled. "I.. I would've if you weren't around..." I admitted sheepishly. She looked confused. "I know how you don't like violence.. and I just didn't want to scare you or make you hate me or anything.." I explained. "Ah, I see.." she said, wiping a few tears from her eyes, "But why would I hate you?" "I-I dunno.. I just kinda assumed..." I stammered. "Don't worry, I don't hate you. And I'm not scared of you either," she reassured. I sighed, "I guess I was just acting dumb.." "C'mon, let's get to the cafeteria," she giggled.

As we walked I asked her, "If you don't mind, what did Leon say that made you cry?" She stayed silent for a few seconds. Dammit, I blew it.. "He.. called me ugly.. told me that no guy would ever be able to look me in the eye.. it's stupid, but it really got to me.." she mumbled, hugging her arms. I felt awful.. I should've kicked him. "You're not ugly.." I said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I know.. but-" I cut her off, "I think you're the prettiest girl I've ever met." Her face went red and so did mine. "Y-You really think so..?" she asked quietly. "I know so.. Hell, I've had a crush on you the moment I met you.." I mumbled. She stared at me, blushing. I looked away and felt a hand grab mine. "I guess I kinda like you too.." she said. My face turned bright red. I felt her tug on my hand. "C'mon, we're late.. Ishimaru's gonna hell at us.." she said. I laughed and followed her to the cafeteria.

Maybe I'll use violence less..

that's an empty promise if you didn't catch it

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