Mondo Owada x Reader

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Recently, I went to go see David Blaine live in Jacksonville, Florida. David Blaine is a magician who is famous for his acts, such as holding his breath. He's held his breath for 20 minutes once and he did this act in front of a live audience, including me. He held his breath for 10 minutes and 1 second during the live show and I was so impressed by him. His act is kind of the inspiration for this oneshot, just thought you would like to know.


POV of Mondo

I look in the mirror in my dorm room and sigh. "Today's the day, Owada.." I mumble to myself. I had wanted to tell (Y/n) how I felt for so damn long. She's the Ultimate Illusionist and she's totally stolen my heart. But, I haven't been able to tell her, since she's always working. And by working, I mean working on her acts. We all have a flaw here, and that's hers. She's always working to be the best at what she does, when she already is. She's constantly trying to find ways to improve, even if it puts her at risk. But, what she does is really amazing. She always keeps my attention with her card tricks, she always freaks Taka out when she pierces her hand with the needle, which is kinda hilarious. But, she thinks it's not good enough for her audience. And it kills me when she beats herself up about it.

Suddenly, I hear someone pounding on the door. I open the door to see a frantic Ishimaru. "What is it this time?" I ask. "Mondo, (Y/n) has really gone off the deep end this time! You've got to stop her!" He cries, grabbing my wrist and pulling me to the gym. I freeze in the doorway, seeing (Y/n) in a glass tank on the stage, standing upside down and motionless in the water with her eyes closed. "What the fuck is she doing?!" I yell, running up to the front. "She's performing, apparently." Kirigiri states, watching (Y/n) intently. "You've got to get her out of there! She could be unconscious!" I growl. "I would know if she lost consciousness. She's fine." She says clearly. "How long has she been in there?!" I yell. "Patience, commoner," Togami scoffs, looking down at a stopwatch, "Two minutes and thirty seconds." "Why do you care so much? You've never been this worried about somebody before," Naegi asks. "Because.." I start, blushing slightly, "Because she.. I like her.." "Dude, seriously?" Hagakure asks, chuckling. I growl and look back at (Y/n). 

"Five minutes," Togami announces. "Why is she doing this..?" I ask quietly. "She wanted to beat her record of fifteen minutes, so she asked Monokuma for a water tank." Asahina explains, biting her lip. "How is (Y/n), Kirigiri?" Sakura asks promptly. "She looks fine, her eyes are open," she states. I look over at her and her eyes drift over to me. I kneel in front of her and place a hand on the glass. She looks at my hand and places hers to the glass where mine is. My heart skips a beat as she smiles and closes her eyes again. "T-This is a dumb idea.. She's gonna drown in there!" Fukawa stutters. "M-Maybe we should get her out of there.. T-This is dangerous.." Fujisaki whimpers. "She can hear everything you're saying, you might be scaring her," Naegi warns. "Eep! S-Sorry, (Y/n)..." she cries (Btw, this is before they find out Chihiro is a boi).

"Seven minutes," Togami states. "I must agree with Fujisaki. This is extremely dangerous, even for her." Celestia states monotonously. "M-Miss Ludenberg is correct! We should pull her out before she gets hurt!" Hifumi states. "Guys shut up! She can hear you!" I yell. "W-Well, she can hear you too!" Fukawa yells back. "Both of you quit it!" Togami snaps. Fukawa immediately claps a hand to her mouth and shoots a dirty glare at me. 

"Fourteen minutes," Togami announces, seven painful minutes later. "She's gonna do it!" Fujisaki exclaims happily. "Go (Y/n)!" Asahina cheers. "Still looking good." Kirigiri says. "She's actually gonna beat it.." Naegi whispers hopefully. I smile. Finally, she can come out, knowing she beat her record. "Fifteen minutes," Togami says, with a hint of surprise in his voice. A beat passes and she's still in the tank, upside down. "(Y/n), you can come out now!" Hagakure calls out. "We should get her out, she's probably unconscious!" Ishimaru cries. "(Y/n), give us a sign you're okay!" I call out. She slowly gives us an upside down thumbs up. "She should get out soon, she should not be risking her life like this," Sakura claims. "(Y/n), please get out of there.." I whisper, worried.

"Nineteen minutes," Togami announces. Everybody has gotten worried by now. (Y/n) had flipped right side up and had her hands on the edges of the tank, ready to get out, but still under. Kirigiri had gotten a ladder from Monokuma and was standing on it, ready to help her out and Naegi and I were holding the ladder steady. "You're past your goal, just get out now..." I whisper, afraid. "Twenty minutes," Togami says. Suddenly, (Y/n) pushes herself out of the water and onto the ladder. I sigh in relief and others applaud. "Get me a towel!" Kirigiri shouts, and Fujisaki rushes out of the gym. They climbed down and sat on the end of the stage. I rushed to (Y/n)'s side and hugged her tightly. She was shaking and breathing heavily. Then, Fujisaki comes back with towels. I take one and wrap it around her. She grasped the ends of the towel tightly and leaned on me, quivering. "That was.. amazing!" Asahina exclaims, invigorated. She laughs weakly, "G-Glad you e-e-enjoyed the show...." "Are you gonna be okay?" Kirigiri asks. (Y/n) nods quietly, "I-I just need some time t-to recover.."

When all the students had hugged her and told her to "feel better" and congratulated her, (Y/n) and I were the last ones in the gym. She had sat up off me and was still clutching the towel around her. "Just.. why?" I ask quietly. She looked over at me. "Why did you fucking do that?" I ask. She sighs, "You know me... I always have to be improving.. Nothing is good enough for me." "You really scared me.." I mumble. "I know.. and I'm so sorry I didn't tell you... I just knew you'd be trying to stop me and I didn't want you to worry about me.." she whimpers. "Hey.. it's okay. I'm just glad you're alright, y'know? Plus, anything you do is good enough for me, just know that okay?" I smile, putting a hand on her shoulder. She smiles back weakly and nods. 

"I heard.. while I was in the tank... that you liked me..?" She asks nervously. "Shit.. you heard that?" I ask, blushing. She nods, laughing awkwardly. "Actually, I-it's more than a like.." I mumble. She looks at me. I take a deep breath and take her hands. "I.. I love you, (Y/n)," I state. She stares at me, shocked. "Mondo.." she whispers shakily. I let go of her and stare at the ground in shame. I know the rejection is coming.. "I love you too.." she says. I look up at her, my hair nearly hitting her in the face. "You.. you do-" I'm cut off by a pair of lips against my own. I rest my hand on her shoulder as I use my other hand to lean on. We separate when we both run out of oxygen. She leans against me and rests her head in my chest. I put the towel around her and run my fingers through her hair. As long as I have her in my arms, she's safe.. As long as we're together, I won't let anything take her away...

That's a promise....

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