Mondo Owada x Reader

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Requested by Stripedredsweater99 (edit: I fixed your name, just realized I spelled it wrong)

POV of Mondo

(I'm about to spoil Mondo's past so don't throw hands)

I walked down the hall, past the dorms until I reached Leon's. I stared at the locked door and the label on the side. I didn't want to do this.. But I had no choice.

Leon Kuwata was found guilty in the first trial of this 'Killing Game' bullshit. His little sister, (Y/n) Kuwata was totally devastated when he was pelted to death by baseballs. She was so heartbroken, as soon as the elevator took us back to the Living Area, she took his files and locked herself in his dorm room. We tried to get her to open the door, but she stayed inside. The next day, we gathered in the cafeteria and (Y/n) still hadn't left Leon's room. We all agreed that someone had to go and convince her to come out, and those bastards voted for me.

I acted angry, but on the inside I was worried. I was scared I would mess something up and make her feel worse. I cared for her, but I was too embarrassed to admit, even to myself, that I was in love with her. I knew what it was like to lose an older brother.. But I couldn't tell her that... I had to keep my promise, but I knew it would slip somehow.

I knocked on the door and took a deep breath in. "What?" I heard her say from behind the door. "Hey, (Y/n).. It's me, Mondo. I just wanna talk to you, okay?" I called out. A few seconds passed and she reluctantly opened the door. My heart sank when I saw her messed up hair and running mascara. "Wh-what do you want?" She asked timidly. "I just wanna talk to you.. Everyone's worried about you," I said. She didn't say anything and opened the door wider for me to come in. She sat down on the bed and I sat down next to her. I didn't know what to say or ask.. "I miss him, Mondo.." she mumbled, her voice cracking. "I know.. we've just gotta focus on getting out of here," I said gently. "I can't leave without Leon.. I'd rather die here..." she whispered with tears forming in her eyes. I sigh quietly. 

"I get what you're going through, (Y/n)," I blurted. She looked up at me. "I had an older brother too. He died in a car accident.. trying to protect me..." I said quietly, "He didn't want me to blame myself for his death.. But I just can't help it." She stared at me. "I miss Daiya.. Just like you miss Leon, and there's nothing wrong with that.. You've just gotta accept it.. Don't let him control everything you do," I said, my voice cracking, "Just don't let grief corrupt you.. Like it did to me..." (Y/n)  stared at the ground. "I.. I've been so stupid.. I'm so sorry.." she mumbled weakly. I saw tears run down her cheeks. "It's fine.. I get it.." I whispered soothingly, putting my hand on her back, "I just hate seeing you like this..." Suddenly, she hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around her as she cried into my shirt. "I love you, (Y/n).." I whispered. I felt her bury her face deeper into my shirt. "I love you too.." she mumbled. I felt tears on my face as I kissed her forehead. For the first time since the trial, I saw her smile. "Let's get back to the others.." I said. "Let me get fixed up first.. You go on without me," she said, getting up.

I left as she went into the bathroom and went back into the cafeteria, where everybody was waiting. "How did it go?" Taka asked impatiently. They all seemed to notice the stain on my shirt. I blushed and covered it with my jacket. "She's on her way.." I mumbled.

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