Kazuichi Soda x Reader

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POV of Reader

(N/n): Nickname

"Hey, Sodapop!" I yelled, running up to his family's car shop. The black-haired teen looked over at me and smiled. He was working on an old man's car. "What's up, (N/n)?" He grinned, closing up the car's hood. "There you go, sir," he said, referring to the man. The man thanked him and drove away. "So, what brings you here?" Soda asked. "Nothing, just wanted to come over," I said, sitting on a chair, "How've you been?" He sat down next to me and replied, "Alright.. You?" "It's been good..." I said.

Kazuichi and I had been friends for years, ever since elementary school. We were in the same classes and eventually grew to do everything together. Soda's family ran a car repair shop and he's one of the nicest guys I know. It was summer break now, and our first year of high school was only a few weeks away.. I had to move to a new school, and that day was my last...

"I came to say goodbye.." I mumbled. "Going away tomorrow?" He asked. I nodded. "I'll miss ya.." he sighed. "I'll miss you too..." I replied. "Be sure you won't forget me, okay? And come visit!" Soda said. "I will! Mom says maybe we can come next summer!" I exclaimed. He grinned and hugged me. "I don't know how I'll get through high school without you.." he whispered. I hugged him back and sighed, "Maybe we can go to the same college.." "Get real," he laughed. I giggled. He let go of me and pushed up his glasses. Just then, a woman drove into the shop. "I've gotta go.." he mumbled. "Bye, Sodapop.." I waved. He hugged me one last time and ran to help the woman. I walked out of the shop and sighed..

I walked down the beach and looked out to the horizon. I was stuck somewhere called Jabberwock Island.. Apparently, I'm the Ultimate (Talent) here. I kept walking down the beach when I saw a boy kneeling down, messing with a piece of scrap metal. "Uh.. hello?" I called out, tapping his shoulder. The boy looked up at me and grinned. He had bright pink hair and eyes, and had a sharp, toothy smile. He wore a gray beanie and a neon green jumpsuit. "Hey there!" He said, getting up. "The name's Kazuichi Soda! I'm the Ultimate Mechanic! Nice to meet ya!" I froze. "K-Kazuichi..?" I repeated. "Uh yeah.. What's your name?" He asked, sticking out his hand. "I'm (Y/n).. Ultimate (Talent). Nice to meet you too.. Sodapop?" I said quietly. He put down his hand and stared at me. "How do you.. (N/n)?" He asked quietly. He remembers me.. I nodded and smiled.

He grinned and hugged me tightly, picking me up a few inches. He still smelled like oil.. "You changed.." I whispered. "So did you.." he laughed. I had changed my appearance a little.. "I think we've got a lot to catch up on.." he said, setting me down and slinging his arm around my shoulders. "Yeah," I smiled. As we started walking down the beach, he whispered, "I missed you, (N/n).." "I missed you too, Sodapop.." I whispered back. He stopped me and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back and pulled him into a kiss. He blushed heavily. "Love you too," he mumbled. I grinned to myself. "Why did you change so much?" I asked. He looked down at me, "What do you mean?" He asked, confused. "Hair, eyes, teeth.." I pointed at each. He smiled to himself and kissed my cheek, then whispered into my ear, "I'll tell you tomorrow.."

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