Kokichi Ouma x Suicidal!Reader

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Requested by Kockichist

POV of Kokichi

"Congrats, everyone!" Monokuma cackled, "You got it right!" "So she did kill herself..." Maki whispered. "Y'know, if you weren't such a dick to her, she'd still be alive!" Kaito snapped as I hung my head shamefully. "You must be glad the majority rule saved you both!" Monokuma scolded. "Why did you vote for him, Kaito? It was obviously a suicide," Shuichi asked curiously. "Well, why'd he vote for himself? He killed her, it's his fault!" Kaito stated. "He's right, Shuichi.." I mumbled, "I deserve to be executed." "But you didn't kill her-" "It's still my fault! I fucked everything up!" I yelled, "She killed herself because I bullied her, insulted her, made fun of her, everything.. Now she's gone because she couldn't take it anymore. I deserve to be executed.. I'm pleading guilty."

"Sorry, kid, that's not how it goes here! You didn't kill him, you don't get executed!" Monokuma explained, annoyed, "Trial's over, everybody leave!" As the survivors began to leave, I kept at my podium, frozen.. Then, Shuichi walked up to me and said, "If it makes you feel any better, I don't think it's your fault." "Yeah, thanks.." I mumbled, keeping my gaze towards my hands. "Let's go, Ouma.." 

3rd Person POV

"Don't listen to Ouma, he's full of lies. He really doesn't mean it," Himiko said reassuringly. "Yeah.." (Y/n) mumbled as Ouma stopped her. He had something behind his back. "Hey, (Y/n)! Guess which hand your present is in!" He chirped. She looked at him, confused, "Present?" "Just guess!" "Okay.. left," she said quickly. He held out his left hand, it was empty.. "Wrong!" He said, with a fake expression of sympathy. "What was it?" Himiko asked. Ouma held out his right hand, which had nothing in it.. Why were they not surprised? As the girls started to walk away, Ouma called out to them again, "Hold on! I actually wanted to talk to you, (Y/n)." They stopped and Himiko whispered something in (Y/n)'s ear. She nodded and turned to face Ouma as Himiko left. 

She glanced at Ouma's face and saw a glimpse of something other than a lie.. He looked flustered and scared, his face was glowing red. She was still skeptical, but confused.. "This is a bit embarrassing.. and I really do mean this, let me just say. You know what? Let's set aside all our differences for a sec!" he stammered. (Y/n) nodded skeptically, waiting for him to continue.. Ouma had began to like (Y/n) a lot. His instinct tells him to hide it in any way he can. So, he's been making fun of her. He was about to confess, when he gave up.. His eyebrows furrowed and he looked away, "Forget it. Trash like you doesn't deserve to be loved." He stormed off, disappointed in himself. He had left (Y/n) cracked and hollow.. Her shell was fragile, and it shattered. That night, she felt hopeless and broken. She walked out of her room that night, grabbed a rope, walked back to her room and left the door unlocked.. 

The next morning, (Y/n) didn't show up for breakfast. Himiko went to check on her and found her door unlocked. The others heard a scream and rushed to the scene. Fragile little (Y/n) was hanging from the fan, rope hung around her neck and her eyes gently closed. Underneath her body was a note, lying on the ground:

Trash like me doesn't deserve to be loved...

Ouma was devastated. The investigation was painful, the trial was worse. The glaring faces staring into his conscience. He wasn't the one that died, but seeing his love's pale, cold face was a fate worse than death.

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