Mondo Owada x Nyctophobic!Reader

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Yes I had to look that word up (because ya bitch had to be extra)

Nyctophobia is a severe fear of the dark.

Requested by Stripedredsweater99 

POV of Mondo

I sat in my room, looking at the books in my bookshelf. There was 30 minutes left until night hours and I had nothing to do.. Nothing was happening so I just decided to come back to my dorm. I picked out a book, when suddenly, the lights went out and everything was pitch black. "Shit.." I mumbled. "Now now, watch your language, young man!" I heard a high-pitched voice snap. I looked around and saw Monokuma sitting on my bed. "What the f.. How did you-" "That doesn't matter, what matters is that the power is out," he explained, "and it's gonna take a few hours for your darling principal to fix it. Night hour rules still apply. You got all that, biker boy?" "Yeah yeah, I got it.." I mumbled. He jumped behind my bed and disappeared after that. Then, I remembered..

"I'm deathly scared of the dark.. I get panic attacks and all that.." (Y/n) had told me. She's probably terrified right now.. I searched blindly in my drawers for a flashlight.. when I finally found one and flicked the switch. The light came on and I pointed it at the clock. 9:35.. "I have time.." I whispered. I opened my door and looked around cautiously. 

I walked down the hallway, looking at the different labels until I found (Y/n)'s. I knocked on it gently. I saw the door open a crack.. "W-Who's there..?" I heard her ask timidly from the other side. "It's me, Mondo.. I just wanted to check up on you, see how you're doing." I saw a widened eye from the crack.. "Y-You're not gonna hurt m-me.. are you?" "What? No.." I replied, "(Y/n), you know me. Just let me in." She opened the door wider and I slipped in. I showed her my empty pockets, "See? I've got nothin'." "R-Right.. I'm sorry..." she stuttered, "I-I'm okay now.." "You don't sound like it," I stated, "It's okay if you're scared. I'm not gonna judge you." "Well.. I just feel a lot better with someone else here. Especially someone big and strong like you.." she mumbled. I felt my cheeks burn, almost glow through the darkness. 

"You wouldn't mind staying until the lights come back on.. would you?" she asked quietly. I pointed my flashlight at the wall until I found a clock. "9:42.." I whispered. "Oh yeah.. you have to go back to your dorm..." she sighed. "Well, doesn't matter what dorm I'm in.. I'll stay here until morning, keep ya company," I said. She shook her head frantically, "N-No! You don't have to stay here! I'll be okay by myself.." "Are you sure..?" I asked suspiciously. She nodded, "I don't want you to not get any sleep.. T-This is a good time for me to overcome my phobia!" I raised my eyebrows, "Really?" "Yeah.." she said, picking herself up, "I'll be okay, I'll make it through the night!" I stared at her.. "Okay.. See you in the morning..." I said as she walked me to the door. "Thanks for coming over.. I didn't think you cared.." she said shyly. "Course I cared," I said, hearing my voice rise.. "Bye." She waved as I hurried off. 

When I heard her close her door, I sighed, relieved. I'm just glad she's okay.. Almost fucked that up...

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