Korekiyo Shinguji x Reader

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POV of Reader

(F/f): Favorite flower

(F/a): Favorite animal

I sat down on my bed and picked out a book from my shelf. As I opened the book, I heard a knock on my door. I got up and opened the door, but there was nobody there. I looked down to see a bouquet of (F/f)s on the floor, with a note attached to it. I picked up the bouquet and read the note.

To (Y/n).

That's it. Just my name. I brought the flowers inside and placed them on the table. They were beautiful, but who sent them? And how did they know these were my favorite. It must have been a lucky guess.. I've never told anybody here..

The next morning, I sat down with Kaede, Angie and Shuichi and told them about the bouquet in front of my door. "Yeah, it must have been a lucky guess.." Shuichi said. "So, I'm guessing you didn't send them?" I asked. "Oh, no I didn't," he laughed. "Maybe it was Gonta, he seems like someone who would do that," Angie suggested. "But Gonta would have written his name on the note instead of leaving it anonymous," Kaede said. "Maybe Amami? He'd leave it anonymous," Shuichi wondered. "I barely know him.." I sighed. "Well, maybe he'll leave some hints! Just wait a while," Angie chirped. I nodded and the rest of the day went on.

That evening, I went into my room to read again. As I was looking through the book, there was another knock on my door. I opened the door to see a wrapped gift. I ripped the paper off and opened the box to find a canvas.. with a detailed drawing of me on it. It was amazing. I held it up and noticed in the bottom corner, it had Angie's initials. She drew this.. 

The next day, I sat down with Kaede, Shuichi and Angie and showed them the drawing. "Wow, that's really good!" Kaede exclaims. "I think I did a good job on it!" Angie said proudly. "So, you did draw it?" I asked. "Of course I did, I drew it for the guy that gave you the flowers," she explained. "Who is it?" I asked eagerly. "I can't tell you, I promised I wouldn't," she said apologetically. "Great.." I groaned. "Just wait a bit longer, I promise!" Angie said hopefully.

That evening, I had finished my book and was about to leave. I opened my door and froze. Korekiyo Shinguji was kneeling at my door with a stuffed (F/a), about to set it on the floor. He looked up at me and froze as well. A bright blush started to appear on his face and under his mask. A beat passed and suddenly, he dropped the toy and started to run. I sprinted after him down the hallway, as he pushed past other people. I caught him at his room, fumbling with his door handle. I grabbed him by the collar, pulling him back. "You've got some explaining to do.." I growled. "It appears I do.." he whispered. "Did you send the flowers?" I asked. He nodded. "And you asked Angie to draw a picture for you?" "Correct," he said. I let go of his jacket. "Why?" I asked quietly. "Because.. it seems I've developed romantic feelings for you.." he mumbled, "I've grown attached to the idea of sending you gifts, and watching you recieve these gifts give me great pride and pleasure.. But, I suppose I was bound to be found out." I stared at him. His face was still a bright pink. "You really like me?" I asked. He nodded, embarrassed. I giggled slightly, "I didn't expect you to be the one sending me all this.." "I understand if you don't feel the same emotions towards me," he mumbled, looking down at his feet. "No, no! I do like you!" I reassured, putting a hand on his arm. He looked at me, surprised. He placed a bandaged hand on my shoulder as he quickly pulls down his mask and kisses me on the lips. Then, he lets go of me and pulls his mask back on. "I'll see you tomorrow, (Y/n).." he says, walking into his room. "Yeah.." I whisper, heading back to my room.

When I arrive, I pick up the (F/a) and place it on the table. Right next to the flowers and underneath the drawing.. "Thanks, Kiyo.."

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