Gundham Tanaka x Reader (Halloween... Spooktober thing....)

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Please please please please please please please please please plEase.

Don't request me shit this is just for Halloween cause I had time don't request ok bye

POV of Gundham

I watched from the couch as (Y/n) answered the door for the eighth time now. Those damned mortal children coming to our house and begging for candy.. "Lighten up, Gundham! I did warn you there would be kids trick-or-treating." She said, closing the door and setting her bowl on the table. "Well, I didn't think of it at the time," I scowled, rapping my fingers on the coffee table as my Devas scurried around the house. It wasn't just us at her house, she had the nerve to invite our whole class for a Halloween party.. The one time I had hoped to spend some time alone with her soiled...

I will admit I like Lady (Y/n).. she's a kind, gentle soul with a pure demeanor. I've tried to get closer to her, but with no success.. It seems as though a force is playing tricks on this realm, and on me.. It's like she's teasing me... She even got a tacky vampire costume for the occasion.. 

"Why do you hate Halloween so much, Gundham?" Hajime asked curiously. "Yeah, it seems kinda up your alley since you're all scary an' shit." Fuyuhiko added. "This holiday is a joke. I am a  lord of darkness, ruler of realms! And people never take me seriously to begin with." I scoffed. "C'mon, it's fun!" Mahiru exclaimed. "Yeah, take it easy for a change!" Kazuichi grinned, slapping me on the back, then leaned to my ear and whispered, "Maybe you could pull (Y/n) to another room or something.." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, "Ridiculous.." "Seriously, you've gotta make a move on her! What's the worst that could happen? Anybody can do it!" He ranted. Suddenly, the doorbell rang again.. "I've got it!" (Y/n) called. Kazuichi pushed my shoulder, "You've got this." I took a deep breath. For once, the idiot had a point..

When she closed the door and set the bowl down again, I approached (Y/n) slowly.. "Hey, Gundham." she grinned sweetly. "H-Hello, (Y/n)," I stuttered, "Could yo-" "Look, I know you're not having a good time and you think Halloween is stupid and all that junk.." she mumbled, "But could you at least try it out and at least see if it's not as bad as you thought?" I stared into her pleading eyes, a rush of pink spreading across my face. "I promise, I'll never make you come to another Halloween party again! Just try it this year, okay?" She begged, grabbing my hands. I couldn't help but sigh.. "Alright.. alright." I hung my head in defeat as she squealed and hugged me tightly, "I'll make you love Halloween! I guarantee it!" Then, the doorbell rang again.. "Here!" She handed me the bowl of candy, "You answer the door!" I groaned and took the bowl reluctantly. I'd much rather be doing something else other than feeding young mortals.. but if it makes her happy.. 

I opened the door to see three children in costumes. "Trick or treat!" The kids yelled. I sighed and handed each of them some candy as (Y/n) talked to the kids. As I handed the candy out, a little girl dressed as a princess whispered something to her, pointing directly at me. I stared at the child, and over at (Y/n). She looked back at me and replied 'no' to the girl, then said goodbye to the kids as they ran off. She closed the door, chuckling to herself. "What what did she say to you?" I asked. She blushed a bit, looking down at her feet, "She asked if you were my boyfriend. I said no, but-" "Do you want me to?" I asked quickly. She stared at me as I realized what just came out of my mouth. Everyone was quiet, staring at us.. "What...?" She mumbled. "I said..." I whispered, "Do you.. want me to be your boyfriend?" She looked away nervously, avoiding eye contact the best she could. Suddenly, she stepped closer and placed her hands on top of mine. I tried to apologize.. or take back my actions, but I was cut off. By her lips touching mine.. I heard some whispering from my classmates, a few applauding, even.. but it all seemed to fade as she kissed me. When we parted, she stared deeply into my eyes, almost looking lost. "I'll.. take that as a yes?" I asked quietly. After a few seconds of silence, she nodded, her fake fangs showing as she grinned. She hugged me again, gently this time..

"So, do you like Halloween now?"

"I'll... consider it."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2018 ⏰

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