Kiyotaka Ishimaru x Troubled!Reader

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Requested by Stripedredsweater99 (I sorta merged the two requests)

POV of Reader 

Again Leon fans don't throw hands ok

I walk down the stairs slowly and start walking down the hallway. I'm late to class again.. But if I run, Kiyotaka will yell at me again. I'm known for picking fights, running in the halls, all the usual junk that would get you after-school detention. Sometimes, even a suspension. But, I was never sent to detention by Taka. I don't know what's up with him, but he just gives me my millionth warning and sends me on my way. It's super weird, but kind of annoying.

Not only that, I am a target. Leon Kuwata hates me for literally no reason. He helped shape me into the tough delinquent that I am today. I would thank him but he's too much of a narcissist to handle that little gesture. Taka hates it when I fight with him, but he should just stay out of it..

I finally reach the classroom and step inside. The whole class stares at me. Then, Taka gets up and storms towards me. "You're late. Again," he states. "You seem surprised. Are you still not used to it?" I reply sarcastically. "This has got to stop. This behavior is constant and damaging to your education-" I cut him off, yelling slightly, "What're you gonna do, goody-two-shoes? You've done nothing more than slap me on the wrist. You're too much of a bitch to do anything to me." He falls silent, his face redder than usual. A beat passes and he turns around and sits at his desk. I scoff and sit down at my desk. 

As class continues, I hear someone sit down in the desk behind me. I know it's Leon, it can't be anybody else. A minute passes and I feel an eraser hit my neck. I brush it off and continue listening to the teacher. Later, a wad of paper hits the back of my head. Then a pencil.. then another eraser. I can feel my face turning red from rage and my knuckles whitening from clenching my fists. It feels like hours have passed before the bell rings. 

As the students leave, I get up from my seat, but am immediately pinned to the desk by my neck. "Where do you think you're going?" Leon hisses. "To my next class, where else dumbass?" I say behind gritting teeth. "You're not going anywhere, bitch. I'll make sure you don't show up to your next class," he sneers, tightening his grip on my neck. I try to say something, but I can't. I start to choke and I can feel my face turning pale. Suddenly, I hear a voice yelling at Leon. I can't tell who it is, my vision is blurry. The voices are being drowned out by a ringing sound. Then, I feel Leon let go of my neck and I collapse on the ground. As soon as my head hits the ground, everything goes black...

I wake up, my vision still blurry and the ringing in my ears fading. All I can see is a face.. As my vision starts to come back, I see black hair.. pale skin.. red eyes... "I-Ishimaru..?" I whisper. "(Y/n), thank goodness you've woken up," he whispers, relieved. I slowly sit up, my neck burning.. I'm in the nurse's office. I look at Taka and see dried blood on his nose and lip, and a black eye.. "What.. happened to you?" I ask weakly. "Leon was strangling you, these wounds are just the results of me interfering," he explains calmly. I quickly get up and hit him on the back of the head. "What the fuck did you do that for?!" I yell angrily. "You could have died, I had to do something!" He shouts firmly. "You didn't have to go messing up your face like that!" I rage. "Why do you care?" He asked quickly. Suddenly, I stop.. Why do I care? Weird.. I've never cared about Taka like this before.. "I.. I don't know..." I mumble. "Well, I care about you. Haven't you wondered why I don't give you detention?" He says. It all starts to make sense.. "I'm only protecting you because I like you! I know it sounds wrong.. but you've stolen my heart, really!" He continues, "I understand if you don't feel the same way.. I just want you to know.. you're welcome.." I look down at my feet. I notice he starts to leave and I grab his arm quickly. "Kiyo.. I.. I really appreciate what you did.. I just... I've never felt this way for somebody..." I mumble, my face turning pink. He goes quiet and takes my hand. He stares at it for a few seconds.. I sigh, "For god's sake.." I pull him in quickly by his arm and kiss him. I feel him tense up, then relax and put his arms around me. I finally break the kiss after a couple of seconds and breathe heavily. I hear him panting as well. "You say.. you've never liked someone like this before?" Taka asks quietly. I shake my head, "I could get used to it.." 

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