Mondo Owada x Quiet!Reader

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Requested by Stripedredsweater99 

POV of Mondo

She knows what she wants, she knows how to get it. She has a good plan, but.. it's not quite working out..

The room is in total chaos.. people are yelling and accusing one another, Fukawa's passed out on the floor and Junko's body is lying limp, bloody and pierced through. I look over at (Y/n) waving her arms frantically, hoping for someone to notice her. 

The Ultimate Leader doesn't have a voice..

I walk up to her and tap her shoulder. She looks up at me and lowers her arms in defeat. "Aren't you gonna say something?" I ask. "What?" "You're the Ultimate Leader, you've got a plan, right?" She looked down, "I-I have something set up.. I just need everybody's attention.." I looked back out at the angry crowd. There was no order, no control.. "This place really needs you if we're to get anything done.." I mumble. "You think so..?" she asks quietly. "Yeah," I said, "I mean, you actually know what you're doing." She smiles, embarrassed, "I just wish I could be louder.." She's begging for help now.. I look out into the crowd and whistle loudly. No response.. just more yelling. "GUYS!" I shout, my voice echoing through the gym. Then, the noise starts to die down, until everybody's stopped. I gesture at (Y/n) and raise my eyebrows.

The crowd turns to her, as she stands boldly, not timid. Courageously, she speaks, forming a plan as the others nod their heads, mumbling to one another. I watch her, surprised. For a quiet girl, she's got skill. No stage fright or anything.. She spoke like a true leader..

Calmed down now, everyone starts to leave, bringing an unconscious Fukawa with them. As I start to walk out, I feel someone tap my shoulder. I look back to see (Y/n), beaming. "Thanks, Owada.. For what you did back there.." she says. "You're the one that calmed everyone down, I just gathered the herd," I laugh. "Well," she grinned, "Thanks for that."

With that, she walks out, leaving me the only one in the gym. I felt a burning heat rush over my face.. "No problem, Leader.."

It's not my best but I tried ok

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