Kazuichi Souda x Tomboy!Reader

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Requested by Stripedredsweater99 

POV of Reader

"Pass me a wrench!" "Sure thing." I placed the wrench in Souda's outstretched hand and he grasped it and retracted back to his machine. "Thanks, (Y/n)!" he said with a toothy grin. "No problem," I replied. I sat down on the ground next to him and watched him work. It was amazing how easy he made it look..

My name is (Y/n) Nevermind. Yeah, I'm Sonia's sister, but I'm nothing like her. I'm much more boyish than her, more messy and definitely more down-to-earth. I don't relate to her love of that occult stuff and I hate the dresses we wear. She definitely gets more attention, since she's younger, and sometimes I wonder if she's our parents' favorite.. We do have the same face, though... Anyways, I became friends with Kazuichi because he thought I was Sonia. After I cleared things up, we realized we have a lot in common, including our love for machinery. I've always wanted to learn how to fix cars and all that, and Souda's been teaching me how.

The only thing is.. I really like Kazuichi. Hell, I've had a crush on him since we became friends. But, he loves Sonia.. and he's very obvious about it. Come to think of it, it's always been this way. Sonia gets all the guys, and it's been that way since we were kids. Everyone gave her flowers and gifts because she was pretty. All the boys in my class thought it would be weird to give a gift to one of their best friends.. It hurt before.. All those blows to the chest kinda created an immunity to being the shadow. It doesn't affect my self esteem as much as it used to.. but seeing Souda persevere like that, even though she's dating Gundham, doesn't let me get over it.. But I can't tell him.. I just know I'll get the same response: "It's just kinda weird.."

"Hey, Souda, you got a minute?" I asked. He paused and looked over at me, "Sure, what's up?" He turned to face me.. and I froze. "Uh.. I just wanted to say..." I stammered. He lifted an eyebrow, waiting patiently. "I-I.. like you.." I said quietly. Before he could say anything, I continued, "And I know you like Sonia a lot, and that's okay! I just know that you keep setting yourself up for rejection, and it's just because she.." I trailed off. "What? What about Sonia?" he asked. "She.." I mumbled, "She talks about you.." Suddenly, his face lit up, "She talks about me? What does she say?" "Uh.." I think..

"You just promise you won't tell anyone? Especially Souda." "Yeah, I promise. What is it?" I asked. "I just.. I don't know if he gets that I'm not interested.. especially how it's going with Gundham and everything.." she said. I nodded as she continued, "I don't want to hurt him.. but I don't like him that way.."

"She told me.. she doesn't want to hurt you.. but she's really not interested..." His face begins to fall, "So.. she's serious?" I nodded, "I'm really sorry-" "No.." he cuts me off, "I'm sorry." "What?" I ask, confused. "I'm sorry I never noticed.. It hurts when you see me trying to get with your sister, doesn't it?" He asked sheepishly. I stay silent for a few seconds.. "Yeah, it.. it kinda does... but-" Suddenly, he pulls me towards him and wraps his arms around me. "I'm really sorry.." he mumbled. I stay quiet for a bit, then I lean into the hug. "It's okay, Souda.. It's okay.."  

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