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Dad caught Kerry sneaking out of the house that night. He dragged her inside by the hair. I heard a car drive off, screeching its tyres. I knew her new boyfriend had a car. I knew he was about eighteen and she had been seeing him for a few months. Sneaking out most nights. I also knew her school marks had dropped.

"What are you some bitch on heat?" I heard Dad yell as he dragged her up the stairs.

Mum was at the door. "Great, Bernie. Let the whole neighbourhood know for Christ's sake."

He almost threw Kerry into the lounge. I expected to hear him yell at her some more, but he didn't. What surprised me was the sound of my mother's tense angry voice.

"What have you been doing, Kerry? Have you been screwing around?"

I heard my sister sobbing then some slapping sounds and her voice. "Fuck off you old bastard...leave me alone." I peeked around the corner to see Kerry slapping at my father as he held her by the arm. He pushed her onto one of the lounge chairs.

"Don't you hit your father like that! Now you tell me what have you been doing?" My mother yelled. "No boy old enough to drive a car would be interested in a sixteen year old unless he's getting sex!"

In all the fights we had I'd never heard my mother this angry. I went to my room, left my door ajar and waited to hear what would happen next.

Kerry kept crying and finally I heard her say that she loved him.

"What would a kid your age know about love? You stupid little girl!" My mother scoffed.

"I'm almost seventeen!" Kerry shrieked back.

I heard Mum take a big breath and Dad say. "I'm going for a walk."

It was like they had some secret agreement. He dealt with the boy stuff and she dealt with the girl stuff. After he left Mum seemed to calm down.

"Tell me, Kerry. Have you had sex with this boy?"

I heard Kerry sobbing. I can only guess she must have nodded because mum's next words were.

"Did he use protection?"

Kerry sobbed louder. "I don't know."

Mum groaned. It sounded like she was trying to stay calm. "How many times, Kerry? How many times have you had sex with this boy?"

Kerry's whispered answer was just loud enough for me to hear. "I don't know. We've been going together for four months."

Mum didn't speak again. I heard a loud slap and saw Kerry run to her room and close the door.

I told Katie about it the next day at school. She let out this loud, "Oh shit...!"

"I think that's why she's being such a bitch." I said.

Katie looked at me frowning, "What, because she's had sex with this guy. Charlie that doesn't make sense. You know Kerry's had sex before. You've known for two years. How's this any different?"

I bit on my lip and looked at her closely. "I think she's pregnant. She said she didn't know if he used protection."

Katie swore again.

It was confirmed. Mum had taken Kerry to the family doctor and they did a pregnancy test. He told them she was about ten weeks. I expected the house to come down in the uproar that would surely follow but nothing happened. Mum just looked sad. Dad never said anything, he cracked open a beer and turned on the T.V.

Copyright © 2017 by Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

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