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The rest of the weekend was boring; all I could think about was Keean. On Monday I caught the bus to school with Katie.

"Have you and Keean had another fight?"

"No he had to go somewhere with his father today so he couldn't pick me up and won't be at school."

She nodded and snuggled against me. "Did you get to do it again?"

I pushed her away and laughed. "None of your business."

The day dragged on. Keean was constantly on my mind. I wondered how it was going for him. I don't believe in God as such but I've always believed in a higher power so I prayed to it to give him a chance in life. I hoped the higher power had been listening.

I had a practical Drama test where I was paired up with Ben Nartia. We had to act out a scene from Romeo and Juliet and we were so pathetic because we had only ever practised in class. I suppose I should have used up some of those lunch hours in the library with Keean to do this.

Katie and I also had our practical Home Economics exam where we had to make Lasagne. I got a B+. I was pretty happy with that. I took it home for dinner. Mum was chuffed to not have to cook. I had a shower and put on one of my daggy around the house t-shirts and shorts sets. We were eating dinner on the lounge in front of the T.V when there was a knock on the door. The three of us looked at each other, then Mum and Dad both said, "You're younger, Charlie."

I sighed and put my plate on the ottoman. "Don't knock that off."

Dad grinned. "I might eat it if you don't get the door."

"Ha, ha," I said sarcastically.

The knock sounded again so I hurried to open it.

Keean was standing there with a big smile on his face. I knew what it meant and was so excited and surprised to see him that I threw my arms around his neck. He picked me up.

Dad growled, "So trouble's back from camp."

Keean and I laughed. He kissed me on the lips.

Dad jerked his head at us and said, "Oi, that's enough of that."

Keean put me on my feet. I stepped back to let him in. "Sorry this was bad timing, you're eating dinner," he said.

Dad was going to agree but Mum quickly asked if he'd like some. "Charlie made it at school today and got a B+."

Keean got a big grin on his face and shrugged. "Okay if there's any left. I guess I should see if she can cook." He laughed and added, "I might have to dump her if she can't."

I gave him a playful slap. Dad said quietly, "I wish you would."

I scowled at him, grabbed Keean's hand, picked up my plate and led him to the kitchen. I served him a plateful and sat with him too excited to eat so watched him. "Well...?" I whispered.

He nodded. "Yeah...tastes pretty good."

"Keean I didn't mean the food." I laughed. "How did it go today? I haven't stopped thinking about you?"

"It went really good that's why I'm here."

I looked at him curiously. "So you don't have to go back, they don't give you a date or anything."

He leaned over and gave me a sloppy Lasagne kiss. "That's it. When the gavel goes down it's all over."

"What about your stuff?"

"I had to pack it and they took it with me. It wasn't much. Just clothes and school books. Dad arrived on Sunday and had already taken the truck. He was at the court this morning. We're back at that motel."

I couldn't stop smiling. When Mum came into the kitchen she grinned. "Charlie's missed you. How was your camp?"

Keean looked at me then at Mum. "Camp was okay but I missed Charlie too." He paused. "Do you mind if I take her to the movies tonight."

Mum frowned and looked at the clock. "It's not too late?"

Keean followed her eyes. "No they start between seven thirty and eight."

She looked at me with a furrow on her brow. "But it's a school night."

"Mum I'm nearly seventeen and I've stayed up later doing assignments."

"Bernie," Mum called as she grinned at us. "Can Keean take Charlie to the movies?"

We heard Dad get up and his footsteps cross the floor. "It's a school night."

Mum smiled at him. "She is nearly seventeen and has stayed up later doing assignments. They haven't seen each other for two weeks."

He looked at us one at a time and tilted his head. "It wouldn't matter if I said no. Looks to me like the decision's been made anyway?"

I jumped up. "I'll go and get changed."

"What about your dinner?" Mum called after me.

"Not hungry."

Then I heard Dad say. "I'm not going to have to come out to that car of yours again am I?"

I heard humour in Keean's voice. "No, Mr. Johnson."

I put on my new dress, brushed my hair and scrubbed my teeth then rushed out to find them sitting watching the T.V.

Keean looked me up and down, smiled and stood up. "Ready."

Once we were in the car he told me about the hearing. "The waiting was the hardest," he said. "It nearly took all day. When I was in front of the Judge the barrister went through the details, read reports and references from school. Then Louise read her reports about me. The judge gave me a lecture, said he hoped I didn't veer onto that path again and stuff like that then said I was getting a lucky break. I have to report to Louise weekly. Then I was free to go." He grinned at me and pulled the car over. "You look beautiful."

I slid across the seat and kissed him.

Keean sighed against my mouth. "I don't really want to go to the movies," he said huskily.

"What do you want to do?" I whispered.

He smiled and cocked his head to one side. "Practice."

"Okay," I murmured against his lips.

Copyright © 2017 by Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

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