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We were quiet again as he drove me home. He pulled up in the drive and stopped the car.

"What time do you have to be back?" I asked not really knowing what else to say and wondering why he had turned off the engine. He looked at the clock on the dash. It flashed eleven.

"Twelve. It's a forty minute drive back. That leaves me twenty minutes. Twenty minutes of freedom I'm not going to waste."

"What are you going to do?" I asked.

"You really are one strange girl. I was hoping you'd ask me in. I want to keep looking at you."

My stomach leapt. I felt my face burn so I turned away.

He chuckled, "Nineteen minutes and counting. We could just sit in the car but you have to look at me. I like your hair but I like your face better."

I opened the door, grabbed my jumper and climbed out, too embarrassed to look at him. I closed the door and heard him do the same. I opened the front door of the house and held it open for him. Then I went to the kitchen, filled up the kettle and turned it on while he took a seat at the bench. I leaned against the kitchen sink. We stared at each other. I thought his eyes were beautiful. I felt myself blush again.

Keean got up from the stool and walked around the bench towards me. He stood beside me, leaned against the sink so his arm rubbed up against mine. "So what are we going to do?" He looked down at me. I bit my lip. Keean reached out and pulled my lip from under my teeth. "Don't do that." His voice was huskier than before. "You have no idea how it affects me when you do that." The change in his voice scared me.

"Keean I...I'm...I don't do...I'm..."

He beamed at me, moved his fingers from my lips to my cheek and into my hair as he leaned towards me. "Hey...hey," he whispered, his warm breath in my ear caused my skin to erupt in goose bumps. "I didn't mean that," he whispered and kissed me on the cheek. "I meant about us. About me liking you and if you like me. How we'll see each other. Unless you don't want me to ever talk to you again because of...." His words trailed off. He kept his face close to mine and played with my hair. I fought to breathe.

"I won't tell anyone!" I blurted out like an eight year old. I didn't know what else to say. It was the first thing to come into my head.

Keean pulled his face away from mine but left his hand in my hair. "I'm being full on aren't I?" he said. "I'm sorry if I've moved too fast. I better go and let you think about it." He took his hand away and started to move toward the front door. I watched as he stepped around the kitchen bench and quickly glanced at the clock. "Keean."

He stopped at the sound of my voice and turned around to face me.

"We have ten minutes," I said. He smiled. I stepped towards him. "Have I got this right? You want us to be...um...boyfriend and girlfriend?"

He laughed and his eyes lit up. "I knew you'd work it out eventually."

I grimaced at his joke. It made me feel pretty stupid. Then he was there right in front of me, touching my hair again. "I'm sorry. I'm just being a smartarse because I'm afraid you're going to tell me to piss off."

"Keean I'm not very good at this. I've never had a boyfriend. I've never even been kissed. I'm not sure what you want or how it's supposed to be, what I'm supposed to say." I could feel tears of embarrassment roll down my cheeks. He dropped his hand, stepped back a little to look at my face.

"Shit, now I've made you cry. It's okay, no pressure, no kissing if you don't want me too...stuff like that. I just need to know if you like me. I'll back off if you don't. But if you do I'd like to know about it. You know...work forward from there, step into it slow if you want."

I tittered and wiped both of my hands over my face to get rid of my stupid tears. I looked at his face and nodded. "Yes...I like you. I want to work forward from there." His smile lit up his whole face. My heart fluttered like it had never fluttered before. He took a quick look at the clock.

"Four minutes," he said and stepped toward me. Keean took my face in both of his hands and leaned down towards me. "Step one," he whispered against my lips then gently touched them with his.

Keean's lips were warm and soft. He moved them ever so slowly against mine. I touched his arm with my hand and let my lips respond to his with the same slow movement. Keean pressed his lips a little harder, moved them a little faster. When I reciprocated he wrapped his arm around my waist. He drew me to him, released my lips from his and sighed into my hair.

"God, Charlie...I can't tell you how many times I've imagined doing that."

His voice was husky again. He pulled back and touched my lips with his fingers. "It was so much better than anything I could dream up."

Keean kissed me on the mouth again then whispered into my hair. "I have to go."

I nodded and followed him to the door.

He smiled and touched my cheek. "I'll see you at school on Monday."

All I could do was nod, too numb to say anything. I watched as he drove away.

Copyright © 2017 by Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

Charlie's first kiss.....Aw.....♥♥♥

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