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Hostility grew between us. It got to the point where I wasn't game to look at him. Every time I did he'd be looking in my direction and glare at me. If he caught me looking he'd stare so intensely back at me that I'm sure he would have bitten my head off if we'd been alone. I tried hard not to look but for some reason my heart wouldn't let it be. My dreams became more realistic. I woke in the dead of the night breathing hard in a lather of sweat. My mood became darker and darker. I could tell Katie was getting sick of me.

"Charlie what's going on?"


"Is something going on at home?"


"Well what the fucks going on because you're being a real pain."

I felt so miserable but I couldn't tell her the reason. "I'm sorry, Katie. I just...I don't know. I don't feel so well a lot of the time."

She blew a bubble with her gum, let it pop then touched my forehead. "Have you told your Mum?"

"No." I shook my head and tried to sound casual. "It's nothing really. I'm a bit depressed."

"You might have Dengue Fever, you should tell her."

"She's got a lot going on with Kerry and Mathew's wedding. If I get any worse I'll tell her." I grinned and put on a goofy face. "I'll try to be happier."

"Yeah you better otherwise I'll punch you." Katie wrapped her arm around my neck and squeezed me playfully.

Mathew had asked Kerry to marry him. When she said yes he decided to do it the old fashioned way of asking Dad for his permission.

Sunday nights had become the usual family get together. Mum cooked a roast and Jake came. Sometimes he'd bring a girl and sometimes he didn't. We only ever got to meet the best of them once.

"So...no girl tonight?" Dad asked. "Where's Sherry? The one from last week."

Jake grinned and shrugged. "Cherie, Dad. I've moved on."

Mathew laughed, slapped Dad on the back and held out his hand. "Pay up old fella."

Dad shook his head disappointedly, pulled his wallet from his back pocket. "I was sure she was the one." He was about to hand Mathew the ten dollars. He pulled it back and looked from Mathew to Jake. "This could be a con. Maybe she's still on the scene but you wise arses have put your heads together to make a buck out of me."

Mum joined in the laughter. "Now, Bernie let's look at the history. I hate to say it but your son takes after you. He's a player."

"I wasn't a player?" Dad frowned but there was a definite twinkle in his eye.

"Oh yes you were." She nodded as she stirred the gravy. "I lost count of the different girls I'd see you with every week." She put down the spoon. Took the pot off the heat then came and stood behind Jake. Mum took hold of his face and tipped it up so he could look at her. She wriggled his nose with her fingers. "One day you're going to meet your match, son. Like your father did and she's going to be one step ahead of you. You won't even know it. Like I was and still am with him."

"Don't think so, Mum. I'm a bit smarter than the old man. Marriage isn't in my future plans."

She laughed and kissed his forehead. "We'll see."

I'm not sure if Mathew had a plan for how he was going to ask Dad but I think because the word marriage was mentioned he must have decided it was a good enough cue. He rubbed the back of his head with his hand.

"Talking of marriage...I...Bernie I wanted to ask your permission for Kerry and I to get married." We all sat stunned staring at him. He grinned then focused on Mum. "Well you did say if in a few years we were still together marriage was acceptable."

I could see tears roll down Mum's face. She looked from one to the other then at Dad.

He shrugged. "What you crying for woman? If the kids want to get married, they can get married."

"I'm crying. I'm crying because...oh shit I don't know why I'm crying." She went around the table and hugged them both. "If you're sure this is what you want to do it's okay."

Mathew took Kerry's hand. "Is this what we want to do?"

She beamed and kissed him on the cheek. "You know it is."

"Sucker!" Jake chuckled. "Hey...now you're gonna be my brother you have to fix my car for free."

"I already do that wanker." Mathew shook his head and smirked at Jake.

They both laughed. The rest of the night was spent with Jake ribbing Mathew about getting married and Mum and Kerry discussing dates and styles for the wedding.

Copyright © 2017 by Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

Yay Kerry and Mathew are getting married ♥♥ 

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