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Friday came and went. I walked him to his truck. He asked what I was going to do for the weekend.

"Katie and I are going to go out, maybe to a movie or do some shopping. I might buy a new dress," I said.

Keean fiddled with my hair. "Has she asked why we're never together on the weekends?"

"No...but if she hadn't been with Chris I guess she would have." I smiled. "She just assumes we see each other."

"What about your parents have they wondered why I haven't been back around?"

I nodded and laughed. "Dad was hoping it was because I'd told you to piss off."

"So he hated me that much?" Keean gave me a desperate look.

I shook my head. "It's his way of joking. I told them you were on a Physics camp."

Keean stared at me wide eyed. "Is there such a thing?" I shrugged so he laughed and said, "Where did I go for this camp?"

"I don't know. Maybe somewhere they have labs and stuff." I tilted my head and gave him a comical look. "You better do some research this weekend instead of playing with your balls."

He laughed again and drew me towards him then looked seriously into my eyes. "I have my hearing on Monday. I won't be able to pick you up."

I pushed hair away from his eyes. "Yeah I remember...what if you don't get it."

He looked away and sighed. "Then I'm stuck like this for the next four months unless they move me to a different centre." He looked back at my face. "I turn eighteen before my times up."

I gasped. A lump formed in the back of my throat.

Keean pulled me closer. He kissed my eyes, my cheek then my mouth. "Don't worry I have a good chance, a really good chance." He held onto my face and smiled. "Whichever way it goes, I'll still see you on Tuesday...okay." He kissed me again and murmured, "I've got to go, Charlie."

I stepped back so he could shut the door then leaned through the window and touched his face. "Good luck. I love you."

Keean smiled and kissed me again. "I love you too, Charlie Johnson."

Katie and I went shopping on Saturday morning. I bought a beautiful azure blue strapless dress. It had intricate embroidery around the scalloped hem and around the top. The colour reminded me of Keean's eyes. We went and saw 'Daddy's Home' which was really funny then sat in the food court and had lunch.

"I know you and Keean worked it out but you didn't tell me the details of losing it." Katie twinkled her eyebrows at me. "Are you going too?"

I frowned and scrunched up my mouth. "It's a bit private, Katie."

"Come on, Charlie I told you about my first time."

"Yeah...well, you're more opened than me about that sort of stuff."

"You don't have to give me all the gory details." She laughed. "I'll ask the questions and you can choose to answer them or not. Okay?"

I grinned and chuckled. Katie could always get me to spill. "Alright."

She took a small breath. "Is it true he has a big fish?"

"How would I know I've never seen anyone else's?" I laughed and shook my head in disbelief.

"Don't play dumb, Charlie, you've seen pictures."

I blushed and looked at her as she cocked her head in question. She made me laugh again. "Okay. He has a big fish."

"Did it hurt?"

I decided to be humorous about it. "You bet it fucking hurt."

"Did you do it in his car?" Katie put her elbows on the table and leaned forward.

"I'm not sure I want to tell you where," I said.

"Come on, Charlie."

"If I tell you you're not to tell Chris or anyone because Keean will get really pissed off with me and I don't want to fight with him again."

"I promise." She sat up straight and crossed her heart.

I grimaced and whispered, "In the Science and Nature Reserve at school."

Katie gasped and covered her mouth. "Oh my God, last Friday right, when you didn't come for the bus."

I nodded. She looked carefully at me. "You did want to do it didn't you, like he didn't force you did he."

"No he didn't force me, why does everyone ask me that?"

Katie's face dropped. "You told someone else?"

I could instantly see she was a bit upset not being the first to find out.

"I had to tell Kerry. Keean took me there after because...well, I bled a bit. I couldn't go home." I sighed and gave her a forlorn look. "I had some clothes at Kerry's and I was upset. If I went home Mum would have known so I stayed at Kerry's that night."

"Oh..." Katie said. "Is that why you had the fight? Are you still upset over it?"

"No I wanted to do it, everything was wonderful until...you know that bit and I cried but I'm okay with it. He says it'll get better."

Katie nodded her understand so I continued. "We had the fight because he didn't want to touch me. He thought after how it was I wouldn't want him too. I thought he wasn't interested anymore because we'd done it. It was a big misunderstanding. He told me he loved me."

Katie smiled then stared at me excitedly. "See I told you he really likes you. Are you going out tonight?"

"Maybe. He was doing stuff with some friends so he'll see how it goes."

I could see Katie's mind ticking over. She said, "Have you done it since?"

"You're nosey, Katie." I laughed and shook my head. "Not yet. How about you, have you done it with Chris yet?"

Katie chuckled. "Who's the nosey one now? And yes. Of course. So much for me making him wait," she said.

"And...how did it go?" I grinned and twinkled my eyebrows up and down like she had done.

"I think I'll have to teach him a trick or two." Katie laughed. "But it was okay for his first time."

I dropped my mouth opened in shock. "He's never done it before. But he always talks like he has."

"I think that's why he got so shitty when we were camping." Katie mused. He probably skited to his brother and when it didn't happen he felt like a dickhead. That was lesson number one for him." She laughed. "We're up to lesson number three now."

I covered my mouth in mock horror. "Katie you are so bad."

Copyright © 2017 by Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

Fingers crossed for Keean xoxo 

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