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It seemed like my parents had only left when there was a knock on the door. I was scrubbing my teeth and still in my old t-shirt nightie so asked, "Who's there?"

"It's me. Keean." The instant I heard his voice my heart leaped ten feet into the air. I opened the door to see him grinning down at me.

"You're early. I'm not even dressed yet," I mumbled, toothpaste still in my mouth.

Keean looked me up and down. I must have looked a mess because I hadn't brushed my hair. He bent down to kiss me so I pushed his face away with my hand. Keean frowned. I waved the toothbrush in front of him then ran into the bathroom. I rinsed my mouth, washed my face and put on some deodorant. I didn't know it but he was leaning on the door frame watching me.

"Oh...how long have you been there?"

"I followed you," he said smiling at me. I pushed against his chest so I could walk passed him but he didn't move, just blocked my path with his arm.

"Yeah well, you shouldn't have. I might have got undressed or something and not known you were there."

"I wish," he chuckled.

I gave him a playful slap and grinned as he scooped me up. I held onto his face and gave him a peck on the lips. "Good morning."

"Good morning," he whispered back.

"Are you going to let me get dressed?"

Keean screwed up his face in mock thought. "No...not yet." Then he carried me into my bedroom and dropped me onto the bed. He flopped down on top of me.

I pushed against his weight. "I thought you weren't coming early anymore."

Keean rolled off me and lay on his side facing me. He pulled me over so I was facing him and brushed my hair out of my eyes. I rested my head on my hand.

"I missed you and couldn't wait to see you," Keean said. "That weekend was the worse weekend I've ever spent in there."

"I missed you too," I whispered and kissed him.

Keean searched my face with his eyes. He played with my hair and pushed it behind my shoulder. "You have beautiful hair. Everything about you is beautiful."

My heart surged. How could he say that? I had never felt beautiful but the way he looked at me now, the way he said the words made me feel it. Feel beautiful for the first time in my life. I couldn't answer him with words so I kissed him, moved my lips on his the way he had taught me. Keean pulled me closer and ran his hand down my back. I slipped mine under his shirt. I had a huge urge to feel his smooth muscled chest. He let out a sigh as I touched him and lifted his body. Keean pulled his shirt off over his head. He eased his weight back onto the bed and pulled my body half under his. His hand slid beneath my night gown, over my bum and up to touch the skin of my back. My head raced. How far was I willing to let this go?

Keean must have been thinking the same and waited to see how I was going to react. He left his hand in the small of my back while he continued to kiss me. I relaxed, moved my hand to his neck and ran it over his shoulder and down his tattooed arm. Keean pulled his mouth away from mine, placed his head on the bed and breathed out against my neck. My body erupted in goose bumps. I sucked in a breath of air. He looked at my face, watched for my expression as he moved his hand from my back, over my hip and followed the elastic of my bikini underpants. A sensation like a mini earthquake swelled somewhere low in the pit of my stomach. It caused me to tense, suck in my stomach and gasp for another breath. He smiled. I thought about his reaction to me touching him in the same way. Keean left his hand there and kissed me again. Then he moved it higher over my stomach pushing my nightie up. I kept thinking 'it's okay'. It's okay to let him touch me. I wanted to explore these new sensations I was feeling to see how much more there was to them.

When his fingers touched my nipples I gasped again. Keean lifted himself above me. He pushed my nightie higher so I was exposed to him.

"You're so beautiful," he murmured as his hot moist lips sucked my hardened nipple into his mouth. I struggled to take in air. The sensations he was creating shot through my body sending warning signals to my brain.

"Keean," I whispered. He didn't seem to hear me. I moved underneath him and called his name a little louder. "Keean."

He pulled his mouth away and lifted his head, his mouth close to mine. "I know," he gasped. "It's okay. I know."

We laid like that for a bit, his bare chest against my bare breasts, my hand resting against his shoulder. Keean rolled off me. He lay on his side and ran his palm over my breasts before he pulled my nightie down to cover them. He took hold of my hand, kissed my fingers and placed it on his stomach. Keean moved it downwards. When I resisted he looked at my face.

"I want you to touch me, Charlie." He swallowed. "I need you to touch me." I let him move my hand. Keean pushed it into the waist band of his shorts until my fingers touched him. I swallowed as I felt him hard and hot against my skin. He let my hand go. I knew he wanted me to control it so I held him properly. He groaned against my mouth and started to kiss me. I wasn't sure what to do so I rubbed my hand slowly up and down against him. He started to breathe louder, pushed down his shorts and made my hand take hold of his penis.

I panicked, "Keean." He let out a loud groan and rolled away from me so my hand came away from him. "I'm sorry," I whispered. "I don't know what to do."

Keean rolled on his side and looked at me. He traced my face with his fingers. "It's okay you did fine." He pulled me onto my side and kissed me on the lips. "Don't be scared just touch me, anyway you want. Hold onto me."

I swallowed and nodded then I moved my hand down his stomach and touched him again. He sighed, placed his lips on mine and pulled me towards him. I ran my hand over his silky skin. It felt nice. Hot and smooth in my palm. Keean groaned against my lips. I added pressure, then released it and moved my hand faster up and down his penis. It was amazing how he responded. Keean pushed my nightie up so my stomach was exposed and pulled me closer. He moved his body with the rhythm of my hand. I could feel the top of his penis rubbing gently against the skin of my abdomen every time he thrust forward. Keean breathed heavier against my lips. He moaned loudly and suddenly his penis pulsated and warm sticky liquid fill my hand. It was wet and hot against my belly and seeped onto my nightie. He lay still as he took steady breaths in and out. Keean kissed me and looked down as I held my hand up. He lifted the side of his mouth. "Sorry."

I didn't know what to say so came out with. "So that's what cum is?"

He laughed, took my face in both of his hands and kissed me. "You're beautiful." He kissed me again. "We better get cleaned up."

I nodded and went into the bathroom to wash my hand and was amazed how hard it was to get the stickiness off.

A minute later Keean was behind me. "There's a small spot on the bed, have you got a washer or something?"

I opened the vanity and grabbed a washer, wet it under the tap and handed it to him. "I need to have a shower," I said as I looked down at where my nightie was glued to my skin.

"Can I come too?" He grinned.

I shook my head, screwed up my mouth and pushed him out through the door. "No way." I scrubbed my nightie under the water, made sure there was no trace of him left on it. If Mum asked I'd say I spilt Milo on myself. It wouldn't be the first time that had happened.

Copyright © 2017 by Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

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