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I came back down as Mathew and Kerry arrived. Little Matty was asleep in his car seat so Mathew got him out gently and carried him upstairs. Mum always had a cot made up for him.

"You want a coffee? I just made Jake one. The kettle should still be hot."

Kerry nodded. "Come on, Charlie, watching these guys is as boring as watching grass grow."

Jake scrunched his face up at us.

I laughed and put on an American accent. "Jake reckons it's a privilege for women folk to watch their men work on cars."

Kerry looked back at Jake and stuck her finger down her throat.

He choked on his coffee. "I'm going to tell Mathew you did that," he called after us as we went up the stairs.

Mum and Dad came home from work so we all had lunch. I could tell Mum was really chuffed to have everyone there. Her favourite times were when we were altogether and since both Kerry and Jake had settled she seemed really happy. Dad's drinking had eased so home life was pretty good. Mum adored Matty. The boys including Dad went down stairs to work on the cars. Dad decided his Ute needed a service too.

Matty woke up while Kerry, Mum and I were discussing some wedding plans. There was only eight weeks to go before she became Mrs Cook.

Dad yelled out from the bottom of the stairs that we couldn't hear.

Mum went to the back door. "What is it, Bernie?"

"Is Charlie up there?"

"Yes," she said and turned to me. "Dad wants you."

I went and stood behind Mum to see what Dad wanted.

He jerked his head at me. "You've got a visitor."

Puzzled, I started down the stairs. I knew Mum and Kerry were following me. I thought it must have been Katie though I couldn't understand why she hadn't come up.

I went through the gate to see Keean standing talking to Jake who was leaning against his car with a rag in his hand. Mathew had one hand on the bonnet as if he was about to close it and winked at me.

I sucked in a breath of air, my mind raced. Keean was okay, alive and standing under my house with everyone staring at him. He didn't seem nervous. My mind continued to ramble. What was he doing here, on a Saturday let alone Saturday afternoon?

He smiled at me then frowned so slightly it was probably only me who would have noticed. I crinkled my brow back at him. His grin widened. He didn't seem to notice the silence or everyone waiting for something to be said.

Then Dad's gruff voice boomed, "Well you better introduce us."

I stammered, "Dad. This is Keean. Keean Crone. We go to school together." Dad huffed. I could see Mathew and Jake trying really hard not to laugh. They knew what Dad was like as far as his daughters were concerned.

Dad stepped forward wiping his hands on a rag, then took Keean by the hand and shook. "So what? You're here because you need help with an assignment? It better not be fucking Biology because you've got the wrong study partner."

I bit my lip, embarrassment flooded my face. I couldn't look at Keean.

"Bernie..!" Mum cried as she stepped forward. "I'm Janice, Charlie's mum and this is her over protective father, Bernie."

I glanced up. Keean was smiling and didn't seem phased by Dad's comment. If anything he now had the same look on his face as Jake and Mathew. Keean glanced at me then back at Mum. "Hello, Mrs Johnson."

Mum continued with the introductions. "This is Jake, Charlie's brother. Mathew, Charlie's soon to be brother-in-law. Kerry, Charlie's sister. And Matty, Kerry and Mathew's son."

Keean acknowledged them all.

Kerry made out they had never met before. She grinned at me, glanced at Dad then back again as if to say I've been there and done that, good luck.

I smiled back at her.

"So..." Mum was saying. "Would you like some lunch or a cup of tea?" Keean looked towards her. "No thanks, Mrs Johnson I've eaten."

"What about a beer?" Dad offered. We all knew this was a test. If Keean said yes Dad would most likely tell him to fuck off.

A confused look came over Keean's face. "Ah...no thanks, Mr. Johnson I don't drink."

Jake and Mathew high fived behind Keean's back. I glared at them. Kerry said, "Come on you lot it's time for a coffee. I think Keean might like to talk to Charlie. Alone."

I smiled gratefully at her. They all filed upstairs. We both followed them with our eyes. Once they were out of sight we stood there staring at each other. All I could think about was that last couple of minutes we were together. I blushed at the thought and wondered if he was thinking about the same thing.

Copyright © 2017 by Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

I'm so glad Keean's okay but what is he doing at Charlie's on a Saturday afternoon?

I really appreciate all your support ♥♥♥

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