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When I got to Chemistry the next morning Keean was already sitting at the bench. I put my books down and dropped my bag on the floor. My heavy mood hadn't left me. I wondered if I was ever going to feel happy sometime before the end of the year.

I heard his stool scrape on the floor and automatically looked in his direction. He was gazing at me with an intense expression on his face. His eyes seemed to be a darker shade of blue. I looked away and let out an unconscious sigh.

"And you say I'm moody." His voice hushed and velvety.

I spun my head to look back at him. "What did you say?"

He put his arms on the bench and leaned towards me. "According to you...how did Victoria put it? I'm a stuck up moody prick."

I stared at him for a second. I had no idea what to say. There was nothing I could say.

I couldn't deny saying it.

I couldn't try to cover it up.

So I kept my eyes focused on his, bit my lip and said, "Yes."

His eyes looked at my mouth. I saw his lips twitch then he looked back at my eyes. He grinned, hung his head a little as he let out a breath then looked back at my face. Still grinning he said, "Maybe you should check yourself out sometime. You might find we're more alike than you realise." Keean chuckled as he moved back to his side of the desk and opened his textbook.

My heart burnt in my chest. I felt like I was going to pass out. I got up, went to Mr. Davis and whispered that I didn't feel well and could I please go to the toilet.

By the time I got back to class I had missed a quarter of the lesson. I wasn't game to look at Keean as I took my seat.

"Mr. Crone, show Miss Johnson where we're up to."

Keean reached across in front of me. I sat upright with my arms hanging beside me while he flipped my textbook opened. When he found the right page he kept his hand on it until I looked up. I knew I was biting my lip again so forced myself not to because I noticed he was looking at my mouth again.

"Thanks," I whispered.

He looked at my eyes. His seemed to be smiling at me even though his face was stern. "No problem."

I nodded and swallowed at the sound of his voice. Victoria was such a bitch for telling him. I figured it was her way of making sure I wasn't a threat because if he hadn't hated me before he certainly did now.

That weekend Jake brought home a new girlfriend. He'd had so many it was hard to keep up. Her name was Melissa. She worked at a chemist. I liked her straight away and hoped he wouldn't get over her too soon. He left her to sit with Kerry and I while he and Mathew worked on his car.

Kerry was giving her the third degree about where she worked and how she and Jake had met.

"He came into the chemist looking for something to put on a heat rash," Melissa said.

We laughed and Kerry said, "That's got to be the sickest pick up line he's ever come up with."

Melissa looked a bit stunned. "No it wasn't a pickup he really did have a rash." She lifted up her arm and pointed. "Under his arm." She grinned and looked adoringly at Jake then back at us. "I made him take off his shirt so I could see it. He has a really hot bod. I flirted a bit and told him he'd have to come back the following week so I could make sure it was the right stuff."

Kerry and I laughed. Then Kerry blurted, "That'd be a first. Jake doing what he's told."

Melissa grinned sheepishly. "I made him take off his shirt again when he came back. Then I touched him on purpose where the rash had been...you know...just to get a reaction."

Kerry leaned forward her mouth stretched wide. "And...?"

"He flinched. I pretended not to notice, acted normal. I watched him leave the store. He looked back at me so I smiled and five minutes later he came back and asked me out."

Kerry squealed. We all went into a fit of laughter. Jake had always made out he was the one who did the picking up and controlled who he went out with.

He came over to us wiping his hands on a rag, grinning. "What's going on?"

"Nothing 'He Man', Melissa's just telling us your latest pick up line. Oh...I've got a rash."

"Well it must have worked." He smiled, bent down and kissed Melissa on the lips then went back to the car.

"You know, Charlie that's what you need to do with the guy at school. Flirt a little."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah sure, Kerry. He hates my guts."

"You don't know that."

"Oh yes I do," I said nodding my head hard up and down. I told them about Victoria and her big mouth. By the time I was finished they were both trying to hide their grins.

Melissa said. "Never tell the enemy anything."

"Bit late for that now." I blew out a breath of air in defeat.

Kerry slapped me on the back. "That's my Charlie. Fucks up before it even happens." She twinkled her eyebrows and added, "You know if you want to fix it you'll have to show him your tits." We all laughed again. It made me feel better about the whole situation.

Melissa stayed for the Sunday night roast. She fitted in with the family easily. I noticed Mathew and Dad talking quietly in the lounge. They smiled at each other and shook hands. I figured they were making bets again.

I kept my eyes on Jake through the whole event. Normally he would have left the girl with us and gone to watch the T.V. with Mathew and Dad while we helped Mum with the dinner. He didn't this time. Jake couldn't take his eyes off her. He hung in the kitchen getting under everyone's feet until Mum told him to bugger off. She grinned and winked at me as he skulked into the lounge. I figured who ever had bet she was the one was going to win.

Before they left Melissa came into my bedroom. "Thanks, Charlie. I had a nice day."

"No worries, I hope we see you again."

She gave me a questioning look. I thought shit you have a big mouth Charlie. I looked at her apologetically. "Sorry that didn't come out right."

Melissa smiled and sat on my bed.

"It's okay. I know he's a player but I have my own set of rules." I frowned so she said, "If Jake wants me. Wants to have sex with me. Then he's going to have to work hard and hang around for a while. If you don't see me again it's because I wouldn't sleep with him. Not because he got what he wanted and pissed off." She grinned again and stood up. "I find if you sleep with guys too soon they piss off on you sooner."

I chuckled and raised my eyebrows. "I'll have to remember that."

Jake came to the door. "You ready?" Melissa nodded and gave me a little wave. Jake came in and kissed me on the head. "See ya, Sis."

He didn't do that often. It made me wonder even more if Melissa was really the one.

Copyright © 2017 by Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

Do you think Victoria was a bitch for telling Keean what Charlie said?

I thought Charlie handled it well.  At least she admitted saying it.

And what about Jake.  Melissa could be the one ♥♥♥

 Thank you all reading. I'd love it if you voted and commented. It makes my day to see them xoxx and follow me if you'd like.

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