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I closed the door and leant against it. Sucked in a huge breath of air. 'Oh. My. God', I kept saying to myself. I was Keean Crone's girlfriend. I had a boyfriend. I've just been kissed by a boy. My first kiss and it was amazing. Then a million questions plagued my mind. How would we see each other? How do we act at school? Do we tell anyone at school? Do I tell Katie? I remembered how angry he got with Victoria for telling people about him. Surely this was different? Katie was my best friend. I could trust her. I wouldn't tell her the whole story, just that he'd asked me to be his girlfriend. I rang her and said I was coming over because I had something to tell her.

She was waiting for me in her room.

"Well?" she said. "Did you guys win the lotto or something?"

I shook my head. I was so excited. "Better!"

Katie frowned and grinned at the same time. "What could be better than winning the lotto?"

I couldn't contain my excitement. I gasped. "Keean came to see me this morning."

Katie jumped up from the bed and ran on the spot, she screamed, "No! Way!" I sat there laughing, watching her freak out. "Yes! Way!"

She grabbed my hand and sat back on the bed. "Tell me everything, word for word."

I couldn't stop smiling. My mouth was starting to hurt. "He wanted to apologise for being an idiot yesterday. He said he wanted to punch Nick out for pawing me all day."

Katie gasped and gripped my hand. "I told you. I told you he looked really pissed off."

I laughed and nodded excitedly. "He said the way I looked yesterday drove him mad because he'd wanted to touch me so much." Katie was bouncing up and down on the bed, flapping her hands in excitement. I started bouncing with her and grabbed her hands as I added, "He asked me to be his girlfriend."

She raised her eyebrows, a huge grin on her face. "And you said?"

"Yes! I said yes idiot!"

She tackled me onto the bed screaming into my ear. We rolled around laughing and squealing. When we finally calmed down she whispered. "I told you that dress would blow his mind."

"He kissed me," I whispered back. We rolled our heads at the same time so we could look at each other and started screaming all over again.

"And?" Katie asked as she rolled onto her stomach.

I was still on my back grinning up at the ceiling. I looked back at her. "It was my first proper kiss ever. Did you know that?"

"I thought Robert Brown kissed you at the...you know...Trent party."

"Robert was nice to me but he only kissed me on the cheek."

"Are you going out tonight?"

I grimaced and shook my head. "We won't see each other until Monday then we'll talk about it more."

"That's a bit weird." Katie frowned. "I'd think he'd want to spend the whole weekend with you."

I shrugged, stalling for time then suddenly the perfect lie came to mind. "He has some family thing this weekend and couldn't get out of it."

"Ah well, you have the rest of your life." Katie grinned dreamily. Then she asked. "How did he know where you lived?"

"I don't know." I thought for a moment, grinned and added. "I don't really care. I just know I'm Keean Crone's girlfriend."

Then we screamed all over again and Katie whispered, "Charlie you can keep the dress."

Copyright © 2017 by Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

Katie.  Always with the tricky questions ;) 

Don't forget to light up the star xoxo

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