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I met up with Katie. She was buzzing. I could tell she had something big to tell me about the Victoria, Keean thing. As soon as I sat down she blurted it out. "He had sex with her. Friday afternoon. Kellie reckons Victoria wouldn't shut up about it all weekend. Apparently he's real prime and has a big fish."

I sighed. I really didn't need to hear this. Katie looked at me puzzled. "What's up with you?"

"I've been in sick bay for the last two lessons."


I looked at Katie out of the corner of my eye. "I don't want you to tell me anymore stuff about Victoria and Keean."

She frowned at me. I thought it was best to tell her. "I have a huge crush on him. That's what's been wrong with me. I got upset like a big sook because he was sitting with Victoria and I couldn't go to Biology after Phys. Ed. The nurse was great, let me cry and we had a chat, end of story."

Katie peered at me. "I knew you liked him."

I gave her the, 'so big deal I don't have a hope in hell look'.

She sidled over to me and put her arm around me. "Why didn't you tell me before, Chucky?"

I scoffed. "Like I'd even have a chance. I thought it was best to keep it to myself but it keeps gnawing away at me like seawater to sand."

Katie bear hugged me. "What are you trying to be a poet now?"

We laughed because what I'd just said was pretty poetic. It's a shame I can't come up with stuff like that in English.

"Please don't tell anyone, Katie. I feel like an idiot as it is without him finding out the weirdest girl on the planet has a crush on him."

"Charlie you're not weird or fat. You never have been and you're real pretty. If he wants to be a wanker and fuck that whore...well let him. Anyway I reckon that's all it was. Even Kellie thinks it was him just wanting to get off and we all know Victoria's the girl to see in that department."

"Can we not talk about this anymore?" I grimaced.

"Sure." She saluted me. "Scout's honour." We grinned at each other and headed off to Home Economics where we were going to be cooking biscuits.

I got a B- for mine and Katie got an A+. She was a really good cook, probably because there was just her and her Dad at home, so she'd had lots of practise.

Keean was in his usual seat in English, which was at the front on the right side of the room. Katie and I sat in the back on the left side. I didn't have to face him until Chemistry. I considered skipping that lesson but I knew I wasn't brave enough to cut.

More stories came to us about Victoria and Keean in lunch hour. Peter Ember said he saw them having an argument after English.

"I heard Crone ripping it into her about telling everyone."

"What did she say?" Katie asked.

Peter shrugged his shoulders. "Crone looked like he was going to kill her. I thought she was going to cry. Then I took off because he saw me listening and gave me the filthiest look...and...hey, I didn't want to get beaten to a pulp."

Terry giggled. "I heard she said his fish was so big it made her cry."

"Serve the bitch right. She's just a slut," grumbled Chris Hyatt.

"You're just pissed off because it wasn't you who scored," Nicholas Harrison said.

"I wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole," Chris huffed. "I hope he wore a rubber. Don't know what you'd get doing her."

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