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In Phys. Ed we went from learning the rules and plays of basketball to playing the game. We had to get changed into our sports singlet and shorts for our first prac session. Mr. Cristaudo divided us into two teams. For those who didn't get put into a team he had organised a weights and fitness circuit. I was in this group. As we were entering the gym from the basketball court I heard him yelling.

"Crone, where's your singlet?"

"Left it at home, Sir."

Some of us turned to watch what was going on because it had become very obvious Mr. Cristaudo didn't like Keean Crone. Cristaudo pushed Keean in the chest.

"Sit down, Crone." He turned to the rest of us and yelled across the court. "Johnson! Take his place."

Great I thought, another thing to make Keean hate me. I bit on my lip and jogged to the centre of the court. I glanced at Keean. He was leaning forward with his head hung. We started to play. I'd been put in as centre. Chris Hyatt who was my opposition and a foot taller kept winning the ball. By quarter time my team was thirty points down. I lost the next jump and swung my hands up behind my head in disappointment.

"Johnson! What do you think you're doing?" Mr. Cristaudo yelled. He blew the whistle for time.

"I'm too short, Sir. Chris is going to win the ball every time. It's not fair to my team." I glanced around and caught Keean looking at me with a grin on his face. It infuriated me. I quickly looked away. At least I was playing or trying to play. I hoped when he did play that he sucked.

Cristaudo nodded his agreement. "Righto. Crone! Get out here."

Keean came towards us. Mr. Cristaudo pointed at him. "Take her place. If you don't bring the right sports gear next week you'll be doing detention for a month. Got it? Johnson, take a seat."

Keean nodded, glanced sideways at me and moved into position. I sat on the bench hoping he'd suck and embarrass the shit out of himself. It wasn't to be. By half time he had done most of the work in equalling up the scores. The kids in the gym came out to have a break when we had a break. I noticed Keean sat away from the rest of us. He did that a lot. I didn't understand why. Most of the kids seemed to like him, had congratulated him every time he scored. I wondered if he was a bit of a snob. If his good looks, brains and now sporting ability made him think he was too good for everyone else. I noticed Victoria sidle in beside him. She whispered something. He grinned at her. I was biting my lip, thinking about what kind of person he really was and must have been doing the blank staring thing I do sometimes. I don't remember much about the break. I heard Mr. Cristaudo blow the whistle to indicate it was time to go back to the game. When I came back into focus I realised I was still looking in Keean's direction. He was staring at me with a curious look on his face.

I felt myself blush and looked away hoping he realised I hadn't really been looking at him.

Then Victoria sat beside me and whispered in my ear. "He's a babe isn't he?" I spun my head. Panic surged through me so I played dumb. "What?"

She grinned and tilted her head towards Keean as he walked towards the court. "Keean."

I grumbled at her. "I think he's a stuck up prick."

Victoria looked at me open mouthed. "But you couldn't take your eyes off him."


She gave me a confused look. "Just then, you were staring straight at him. I think you made him nervous." Then she nodded her head up and down and gave me this all-knowing grin.

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