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The bell rang. I fiddled with my bag, which was on the floor. I didn't want to acknowledge him as he carelessly packed up his books. I don't think he paid any attention to what I was doing. Victoria stood in front of him with her best friend Kellie. Victoria cradled her bag to her chest and welcomed him to the class. She fluttered her eyes and made this stupid girly giggly sound. He nodded then held out his hand to shake hers. I could tell she was embarrassed by his response because the colour changed on her face. She held onto his hand longer than necessary. Then I heard her purr.

"So...what's your next class, Keean?"

He didn't answer straight away but looked at his timetable. "Physics." His voice a deep melodious sound.

Victoria hung her head. Her thick caramel locks bounced forward. Then she slid her arm through his as she swept her head backwards so her hair fanned out.

"You're in luck," she murmured seductively. "My next class is Physics too. I'll show you the way."

From my sideways view I saw him frown a little but allowed her to lead him away. He didn't look back but listened and nodded his head at her while she talked and giggled and led him out through the door.

Katie would really be pissed now. This would have a huge impact on her new resolution of, as she put it, fucking the new guy.

I met up with her in Maths and told her the bad news.

"He's in my Chemistry class," I whispered.

Katie mouthed the words, 'lucky bitch,' back at me.

Mrs Graham was looking at us. I couldn't tell Katie the rest so I wrote her a note.

He had to sit next to me. I know what you mean about his eyes. Victoria Carter got her hooks into him. So your resolution might not come off.

Katie read it. She gaped and gave me a look which told me I would be in for an interrogation after class.

Mrs. Graham saw the look. "Is something the matter, Miss Callum?"

Katie grinned sheepishly at her, "No, Miss. I just remembered it's my Dad's birthday."

Mrs. Graham's our favourite teacher. She wasn't stupid. She grinned at Katie and raised her eyebrows, "It's good you've remembered, but this is Maths so don't even think about discussing it with Charlie or I will separate you...okay."

We both nodded. Katie kicked me on the leg to let me know I wasn't done with yet. As soon as we were out of the classroom she pounced, "Okay, tell me all about it!"

I grinned at her and told her everything. Right from when Mr. Davis said we had a new student. I left out the bit where I struggled to breathe. I didn't want Katie to know what I thought of Keean Crone.

When I was finished she sighed, "Fuck that bitch Carter. You're right my resolutions in trouble. If he's doing Physics and Chemistry that means he's one of those smart pricks and is doing Biology which means she'll be in every one of his classes. Fuck her. I bet they're in the same Maths class too."

I rubbed her on the back and gave her a hopeful grin, "Maybe not, she does Math B and he might do Math C."

Katie looked at me dumbfounded and shook her head. "Da...like that broadens my chances?" We both looked at each other and pissed ourselves laughing because the fact was if you did C you usually did B too.

Copyright © 2017 by Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

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