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Katie caught up with me in the toilets. "You and Keean seem to be getting along."

"He's so funny, Katie." I was almost skipping with happiness. "I hope you don't mind we don't sit with you guys at morning tea. He wants me on his own for a bit. So we can get to know each other better."

"We don't mind. Why doesn't he go to your place in the afternoons?"

I looked in the opposite direction and pretended to be fixing my pony tail. "He works in the afternoons."


I looked back up at her and put on my brightest smile then shrugged. "He did say but I forgot." Katie seemed happy enough with my answer then we headed off to English together.

"Oh by the way," she said. "I'm going home with Chris this afternoon."

"How's it all going?" I twinkled my eyebrows at her.

Katie gave me the biggest smile. "Great. We're going camping this weekend. Maybe you and Keean could come."

"I don't want to cramp your style." I laughed. Then as an afterthought I added. "Remember if it's not on, it's not on."

"I'm pretty sure it'll be on." Katie winked cheekily.

The rest of the day passed quickly. Before I knew it the home bell had rung. Keean held my hand as we walked to his car. I wondered how I was going to get through the weekend without seeing him.

He threw his bag into the car and leaned against the cab. I stepped closer trying to think what to say? Have a great weekend. See you Monday. I'm going to miss you. How am I going to live without you? Instead I said nothing at all but stroked his face. Keean placed his cheek in my palm then turned his mouth towards it and kissed me there. He pulled me closer, nuzzled into my neck and sighed.

"I love being around you." He ran his hand down my back and onto my bum then pulled me closer. Keean groaned into my hair, released my backside and tilted my head so he could kiss my mouth. I had my hand on his chest. He took hold of it and slid it under his shirt to feel his skin. He was so warm, silky smooth. "Touch me, Charlie," he urged.

I moved my hand up to his chest. I marvelled at how wonderful he felt. His breathing changed.

"This isn't a good idea," I whispered against his mouth.

Keean chuckled and lifted his head to look at me. "I need something to help me make it through the weekend." He screwed up his face. "A whole lot of questions and answers I can't remember aren't going to do it for me."

My hand was resting under his shirt. I stared up at him then slowly moved my hand over his chest, down his side to the waistband of his shorts which were hanging under his navel. He kept his eyes on my face. The effects of my touch gave him a dreamy look. I got braver and ran my fingers slowly towards his stomach to follow the edge of the waist band.

Before I reached the thin line of hair which ran down the centre of his stomach he drew in a sharp breath, gasped and stopped my hands movement.

"That'll do it," he whispered.

"You don't like it?" I was a little confused because from the look on his face I thought I was working wonders.

Keean chuckled and grinned. "You have so much to learn." He pushed my hand down under the waist band of his shorts and kissed me. I jerked my hand away as soon as my fingers touched his hard hot silky skin. Keean chortled again. He reached for me and squeezed me close. "I'm sorry but does that answer your question?"

I pushed away and scowled at him. "Not funny."

Keean grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him again. I resisted but he continued to grin. "I said I was sorry." He tilted his head and gave me a forlorn look. "At least you know I liked it."

I was so embarrassed and blushed. Keean tugged on my hand again. This time I let him pull me against him. He kissed me once more. I pushed away before he got too heavy.

"I have to go, Keean. The bus is coming."

He nodded and let me go. "I'll see you Monday."

I gave him one last look. "See ya." As I climbed the steps of the bus I looked back to see him still watching me.

Copyright © 2017 by Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

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