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Keean was right. By the time I got to the group I could tell they all knew. Peter Ember was the first to make a wise crack. "So you and Crone, hey, Charlie?"

"Thanks, Nick," I said as I glared at him.

"My pleasure!" he said and smirked at me.

"Tell us all about it," Terry said rubbing her hands together.

"Not much to tell." I dropped my head hoping they weren't going to ask me any awkward questions. "He asked me out and I said yes. End of story."

Peter laughed and nudged Chris. "We should make bets on how long it'll last."

"Leave her alone guys, your embarrassing her," Chris said. "Besides this is Charlie's first boyfriend."

Nick leaned back and folded his arms. "Yeah but why did it have to be Crone?"

"Shut up, Nick," Katie screwed up her mouth and huffed. "You're just pissed off and besides when did any of you ever take any notice of Charlie before Friday." I smiled at Katie. She winked at me and continued, "Why shouldn't it be Crone? He's the best looking guy in this hell hole." Chris cleared his throat and Katie backtracked. "Okay the second best looking guy in this hell hole."

Peter put on a sulky face. "That's a bit unfair, Katie we've always told Charlie how pretty she is."

Katie rolled her eyes at him. "Does this sound familiar? Hey, Charlie Beach Ball Johnson you'd be real hot if you lost weight."

"Yeah and she finally listened to us." Peter laughed. "Imagine the action she could have had if she'd done what we said two years ago."

Nick grunted and shifted on the bench. "I'm worried about the action she'll be getting now."

"Yeah," Peter agreed. "Virgin Mary Charlie won't have a chance up against big fish Crone...gonna split you right down the middle." He used his hand to imitate a knife and made a swishing sound.

This was really getting out of hand. I didn't need to hear their stupid comments. I thanked God for Katie.

"Oh please...!" she yelled. "How would any of you know? He's probably a nice guy. If he isn't she'll dump him. Won't you, Charlie?" Katie looked at me for confirmation.

"Could you all stop talking about me like I'm not here?" I begged.

"What about Carter then? Is that a fine example of him being a nice guy?" Nick cocked his head in question.

"That's no example at all." Terry laughed. "Jesus you lot would have done the same thing if she'd come anywhere near you."

Both Nick and Peter high fived. "You betcha."

"Can you stop talking about this now?" I pleaded once more.

They both looked at me with beseeching eyes. "But, Charlie, we love you."

Everyone started to laugh. I was pleased to see Nick wasn't holding a grudge.

Katie waved her hand at them. "Give it up guys and get used to it. He'll be sitting with us at lunch times."

That prompted Terry into asking, "So where is the stud?" They all looked at me.

"He has a week of lunch time detentions because he skipped the last two lessons on Friday."

Both Nick and Peter high fived again. "Sucker...!"

Copyright © 2017 by Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

Thank you all for your support xoxo

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