
4.1K 29 11

Welcome to my book! thingy. trash. I'll just make a quick list of what ships are on here and what they are:

Jeffmads (Mostly fluffy, but a few angsty)

Lams (Mostly angsty, but a few fluffy)

Mullette (Angst n Fluff)

Phildosia (Fluff)

Meggy (Fluff)

Marliza (Fluff)

Jamilton (Fluff)

Thomgelica (Fluff)

Hamburr (Fluff)

These things called Any ships, which are all gonna be fluffy.

So yeeeeeeeeeah. Those are the ships I have. Well, for now.

Also, chapters are organized like this:

Fluffy Jeffmads - Dogs

So it's whether it's a Angst of Fluff, then the ship, then the name of the chapter. If it doesn't say whether it's a Fluff or Angst, it's both.

Happy reading!

EDIT: Thanks for 1K!

EDIT: Holy macaroni, thanks for 2K!


EDIT: Holy I'm-running-outta-things-to-say, thanks for 4K!

EDIT: Thank you all for 5K. It really means a lot to me.

EDIT: Omigod you guys I just noticed, so thanks for 6K!

EDIT: Thanks for 7K, and if you're reading this before 14 Feb 2019, look out for my one year anniversary special chapter. ;)

EDIT: Thanks for 8K, jeez this book is still going strong! If you're reading this, please go check out my other Hamilton Fanfiction Wings, it's one of my best books in my opinion, as I've added new characters, worldbuilding and of course, ship moments.

EDIT: Thanks for 9K guys! It's been an insane journey writing this one shot book, and just being in this fandom.

EDIT: I have no words for this. I'm going to stop writing these thank you's so often, it's getting redundant. Thank you all very much, for 10,000 reads.

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